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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Crawford had been at Dunfermline but Rovers signed him from Rosyth Recreation as an 18 year old in 1992.
  2. Did someone not post on here that McGurn's contract was up this month?
  3. More pish from the Pars very own tiresome little cnut, Read this from your very own local paper then f**k off.
  4. He can play in the cup game. ETA Not listed in the Hearts team that lost 0-4 to Celtic.
  5. From your own website, here, eleventh paragraph down, and I quote: John Potter said that Ross Perry will not be his next signing despite having had the player training with them recently. "He looked okay but we did not offer him anything. He was in again on Monday and Tuesday and when he asked if there was a deal there, I said not at the moment. He has chosen to have a look about elsewhere which is up to him." Potter had him in for training for at least 3 days. That is showing interest, nugget boy. The only time I was in special needs was looking after you.
  6. According to this site he did indeed score 3 goals. ETA Scroll down to find the games and scores.
  7. I did - most enjoyable game since the Cowden thrashing at Least End last year. Perry would definitely strengthen their defence but given Potter's signing record to date it's only a matter of time before another clown is linked with them. I love the Pars.
  8. But there was interest, and that's the worrying thing for you, 'chump'.
  9. Paul Watson says Murray deserves the credit for the recent wins. Article in this week's FFP.
  10. That's fine. We can blame Malpas for the second half collapse.
  11. Again from FFP, Rovers keen to add striker in the transfer window.
  12. For those who can't get the FFP - an interview with Grant Anderson here and another with new chairman Alan Young here.
  13. 6-1 FT ETA Brophy got the third goal, his 20th goal in the u20 league this season.
  14. Falkirk's debt is similar to ours so they're doing well.
  15. Where's the money going to come from to pay a percentage of Daly's massive wage? Absolute non-starter.
  16. If that's the case then we have to get him on an 18 month contract minimum.
  17. You've got a lot to learn if you think that constitutes a master stroke.
  18. Totally underwhelmed by this. I wonder which board member pushed for this or if it was Murray's wish to get him in. What on earth does a director of football do in a club like Rovers?
  19. Maybe the board are going to appoint a ventriloquist to give the fans' rep a helping hand.
  20. Some nasty rumours going around Kirkcaldy that Davo wants to come back. Probably started by the man himself.
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