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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. I wonder if the recently announced BT coverage of our league game with Sevco has given the board enough room to manoeuvre with regard to Murray's contract? Or is it just a coincidence?
  2. Jim Jefferies was a tactical genius. I will never forget this day as long as I live.
  3. Around the time Paul Smith resigned we took on a new physio. Maybe that's where the money went.
  4. Saturday 7th February 2015 Dundee v Celtic kick off 12.30pm Sky Sports Sunday 8th February 2015 Stranraer v Dundee United kick off 12.30pm Sky Sports Rangers v Raith kick off 3.00pm BBC Scotland
  5. Pound to a penny that Murray drops Callachan next week.
  6. It's a pity he wasn't asked why he failed to do something about their number 7 who was never picked up and dictated play for the entire game.
  7. In the Courier today that Craig Barr is close to a return.
  8. From May 2014 Raith Rovers FC is pleased to announce that agreement has been reached with our landlord, Stark’s Park Properties Ltd, that will see the club remain at Stark’s Park for at least a further two years. Constructive negotiations between club officials and Stark’s Park Properties’ director and majority shareholder, John Sim, have taken place over the last 12 months, since well before the end of the original term of the lease last summer and, with continued cooperation and goodwill on both sides, this outcome will now allow the club and its landlord time to hopefully conclude a longer term arrangement on mutually acceptable terms.
  9. Below is what the man has achieved over the last 3 years and for that we must all be eternally grateful. June 30th 2011. Raith Rovers have announced financial losses of £162,000 for the year to June 30, 2011. The club’s balance sheet also shows a £1.4m debt, although it stressed that £1.2m of that simply stems from “intercompany funding from our holding companies”. June 30th 2014 The Club’s accounts for the year ended 30th June 2014 have been finalised, approved and signed off by the Auditors. The accounts show almost a 20% increase in profit for the year of £97,499 (previous year £81,350). The Club’s Balance Sheet also continues to improve with zero bank debt and all liabilities for taxes and suppliers fully up to date at the year end. As at 30th June 2014 only loans from directors of £88,000, and inter company debts totalling £338,000 remained outstanding.
  10. Depends on what the board consider to be the priorities. Is it getting the ground back or is it what's on the pitch? Personally I don't care if we're in the bottom tier; I want Stark's Park to be owned by Raith Rovers and not John Sim.
  11. I see he's been freed by Dundee but he was on loan at Peterhead. Why would he suddenly turn up at Stark's Park?
  12. Two balls were heated, as they always are, in the draw for the Scottish Cup.
  13. Remedial lesson for Stark's Park Board - don't offer an unproven manager a lengthy contract.
  14. We also don't have strength in depth down the left side of the pitch. Is Murray not contracted until the end of season 2015-16?
  15. Last paragraph in today's Courier article suggests Hill might be ok for today.
  16. The board will be waiting until it costs them a smaller amount than at present. I've no idea when he's contracted to but I think the board's priority is to make as much money as they can this season. They'll probably regard it as a bonus if we aren't relegated. If he's here until the summer of 2016 we could get relegated twice. On the plus side Smith's departure will make it easier to get rid of the other two. ETA I've just checked and Murray is indeed under contract until 2016. Ho hum.
  17. That is utter crap. Here is what you really said: If Ross County can do it from a town thats smaller than Burntisland theres no reason why we shouldnt be. Yer a total and utter jumped up dummy f**k wit of a man now go and f**k off instead of always trying to have the last word.
  18. Eh? I questioned you comparing Ross County with Burntisland because it wasn't like for like ie their respective catchment areas and the wealth in Ross County's boardroom. I never said that Ross County were 'a bigger club than us'. Conversing with you is painful so shut the f**k up.
  19. That is selective at best. The population 'north of Tore', as you put it, is approaching 70,000.
  20. I would tend to agree with the board's strategy if it meant we were paying off some debt/saving some cash to buy back the ground at some point in the future. Your comparison with Ross County and Burntisland is a joke because a) they have the whole of the north of Scotland as their catchment area not just Dingwall (and people do come from miles away) and b) how many millionaires are on Ross County's board?
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