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Everything posted by expatowner

  1. There are some great museums in and around St Petersburg and Moscow that showcase the Russian war efforts. Get yerself over there and take a good look. Maybe do them as part of the Siberian Railway experience.
  2. We are now 2 months into our 1 year golfing adventure in New Zealand and have played 41 rounds on 36 courses, and hopefully most of the bad weather is behind us. It was pretty wet and wild in July as we travelled round the Northland Region, but we managed to squeeze 20 rounds in before the Auckland lock-down started. Special mention goes to Waitangi and Kerikeri for their wonderfully prepared courses and hospitality. Carrington was a disappointment on both fronts. As soon as the lock-down was announced we rushed from Northlands down to the Waikato. Here we have, so far, played another 21 courses, including some quaint and quirky ones like: Summerhill, Walton, Paeroa and Te Aroha. Special mention goes to Summerhill for its nice layout and scenic views. Most of the golf clubs don’t mind if you want to stay overnight and we have found this to be quite successful, some even provide electricity and allow the use of their showers for a small fee. We had hoped to see signs of a resurgent New Zealand, but, so far, the courses are pretty empty as are the motorhome camps and the freedom camping spots. Great if you like it quiet. Maybe spring will see increases in the numbers. My handicap has edged upwards since we started travelling around.
  3. Elton John - Tiny Dancer. For the last 24 hrs.
  4. I’ve checked with my team and they all say that next year is theirs.
  5. Have they turned the seats round to face away from the pitch?
  6. It’s got to be a 147. All you need at darts is a repetitive action / technique, and a nine darter is over in a minute. At snooker there are loads of variables and it takes a much longer period of concentration.
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