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Everything posted by stevieKTID

  1. F*ck off Killie you bunch of utter sh*tbag loser c*nts. Seems we've found our level.
  2. Jackson C Frank, at the age of 11 a furnace exploded at his school killing 15 pupils and leaving Jackson with burns over 50% of his body, this incident would lead to serious mental and physical health issues in later life, during his recovery from the burns he learned to play guitar. First album was produced by Paul Simon and he moved England and was well received by the folk scene but mental health issues saw him return to the US, he came back to England but was a completely different person his health problems had taken their toll, he ended up staying with his parents in the US, one day he left without notice to go to NYC to try and find Paul Simon, he ended up sleeping rough and going in and out of mental institutions, just as things were looking really desperate a fan from the Woodstock area reached out and was trying to find a place for him in a senior citizens home in Woodstock, one day Jackson was sitting on a bench in Queens NYC when he was shot and subsequently blinded in one eye by kids messing around with a pellet gun, he died a few years later from a combination of pneumonia and heart problems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson_C._Frank
  3. Used to work beside an 1860 fan when I first moved to The Netherlands we bonded over our love of teams that play in blue and white and I've been following them ever since. Never been to a game, I was in Munich last year but covid restrictions meant I couldn't attend, hopefully when things settle down I'll be able to see them. They're having a decent season but they're a bit of a basket case club off the field so you never know what's going to happen. einmal löwe immer löwe
  4. Well done Arbroath! They wanted it more, their energy and team spirit is amazing. We need to start turning up for big games, really liked DM's post match interview, very honest assessment, he wasn't happy.
  5. Obviously very impressed at how well Arbroath have done this season, my girlfriend's father is a massive fan ( I've mentioned this many times previously so apologies for repeating myself) and to see the joy this season has brought him is amazing, they have a really good team spirit and energy, they seem to keep going to the end of matches and grabbing late winners, all credit to the brothers Campbell, I suppose looking back over the last few seasons it looks like the folk running the club have been slowly improving the off field stuff ( the supporters wall being one example) there's a real genuine engagement with the community and now the on field stuff is clicking into place, I thought the Q&A with Dick after last weeks game had been cancelled was a really nice touch. As for Killie things are on the up, optimism is back, DM has made some really good signings and we look organised and galvanized on the pitch, DM has been a breath of fresh air, really excited for this one.
  6. I was walking this guy yesterday, it was very windy, he stopped to do a sh*t and just as I bent over to pick it up a huge gust of wind started blowing it along the pavement, it broke into 3 pieces and they all went in different directions, I really hope someone was looking out their window watching me chase three pieces of dogsh*t up the road, it certainly made me laugh.
  7. I was 24, had a well paid job, had great hair and was in a band, apart from Killie winning the Scottish cup it's all a bit of a blur due a gargantuan drug intake, good times.
  8. The pizza was really good, went in for one slice and ended up having 3, my favourite was the white pizza with caramelized onions. We were halfway through our first slice when my girlfriend kicked me under the table and said "there's Frank" looked up and he was shaking hands with his team and asking if everything was ok which I thought was really cool, I'd had a few beers that day and when I was waiting for slices 2 and 3 he stuck his head back round the door and I drunkenly said something along the lines of "amazing pizza dude" he flashed a big smile and thanked me, he comes across as a really nice guy The place itself is very simple nothing flashy or too hip, Christ I'll need to get back there.
  9. I went to Frank Pinnello's place in Williamsburg Brooklyn as our Air BnB was just round the corner, it's called Best Pizza and it's really good, the main man himself popped in to see his team. Nothing to do with pizza but one of my favourite things to do in NYC is to take the Roosevelt Island tramway cable car, it give you some amazing views as you pass by the buildings and over the East River.
  10. Disappointed with the result but really encouraged with the performance, a lot of positives for Killie today.
  11. I thought we were poor tonight, our midfield needs strengthening and I'm not convinced by Shaw. Not sure why the Thistle fans were booing Hemming.
  12. I'm cat sitting again but unlike the rest of my clients this one f*"kin hates me to be fair when I went to collect the keys the owner told me "she has an evil streak"
  13. I take photos every day and post them on our social media pages so the owners can see their dogs are in safe hands and are having fun, in order to avoid posting similar photos i have to get creative from time to time and some days the photo speaks for itself. Dogs eh
  14. Well spotted, bloody auto correct, I of course meant imagination. If he scores goals I'd be fine with that but he's still a fanny.
  15. Not sure how I feel about this, surprised that it's even being discussed I was under the impression that he left under a bit of a cloud, of course it could just be paper talk. Is it my immigration or have we been caught in a loop over the last few years of re-signing former players?
  16. Really enjoying it, if I had one slight criticism it would be Temuera Morrison's teeth are very white, there were a few scenes I missed what was happening as I was distracted by them.
  17. Can't believe it's been 6 years since the great man passed away, rest easy Dave.
  18. We were a lot more tenacious today but our finishing needs a bit of work. Queens TV coverage was very good.
  19. Similar to Patrick Kluivert he got 240 hours community service for death by dangerous driving, he was doing twice the speed limit and was drunk.
  20. Pleased and pleasantly surprised with the appointment, considering some of the candidates mentioned I think we've done really well to get McInnes.
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