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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. Every time I saw him last year I thought he was the best of the 3 that broke through from college golf, Wolff and Hovland being the other 2.
  2. With the caveat that he is a Tory, but he does give the impression that he would be a much more capable operator than the likes of Hancock, Shapps or Truss and several others. Can only think Boris knew that he wouldn't sit there and be a yes man.
  3. A clip of Rory Stewart from March 12th has been doing the rounds on Twitter. Think of some of the fuckwits that have ended up as ministers in this government, while he was hunted as Boris obviously saw him as a threat.
  4. No fan of Bryson, but he was savvy enough to realise that extra speed on it's own would only get him minimal gains, the extra bulk has helped him no end. Saw a stat the other day that Jimmy Walker was averaging 337 yards with his driver, but was only 13% accurate. The fact he is quite happy to bomb and gouge when missing so many fairways tells you all you need to know about the course set up.
  5. Listened to the latest McKellar Golf podcast with guest Pete Kostis. He has gone back to coaching after being unceremoniously bumped by CBS. He reckons a lot of Speith's problems come from him trying to hit the ball further.
  6. Another enjoyable round today, but it got hotter and hotter as we went round. Sweat was pishing out of me. 3 over my handicap again with 8 or 9 shots flung away.
  7. Although that might be what they said, it's certainly not the reality. You can hardly get up and down the aisles in my local Tesco at any time of day for the staff picking the c&c orders.
  8. My cousin is a manager in Morrisons, he reckons the vast majority of 24 hour stores across all the big supermarket chains won't return to that model of working.
  9. f**k that, most of them already think they are superstars.
  10. Just for comparison, we were up there twice at the start of the season, both on Wednesday nights. First one had a crowd of around 500, second about 200. Celtic were playing a Euro qualifier on the night of the second game.
  11. Seen some reports that the accuracy of tests can be wildly erratic, with some areas reporting 30% false positive tests, and others with 20% false negatives. How they can come up with those figures at all if the test is so erratic beats me tbh. I'm glad I'm not having to make the decisions, but at some point in the near future if the R number and numbers of cases keep declining, then some difficult choices have to be made to strike a balance between the risk of Covid19, and the welfare of the population at large with increased mental health issues, people not being treated for other illnesses, and the impact on the economy of the lockdown period. Plenty of sectors will be struggling for a while yet, and the fact that the SFA took 2 weeks after phase 1 of the exit strategy to announce their phase 1 guidelines, doesn't inspire much confidence in their forward planning. Other governing bodies (golf, tennis, bowls) had held meetings with government before any easing of restrictions so that they were ready to go when given the nod, I would be amazed if our biggest national sport had been left sidelined on that.
  12. As you would expect, hits it for bloody miles. Short game was a bit rusty but he said he had only played 9 holes since the restart. Really nice guy, good company on the way round. And you are right, he hasn't been there long.
  13. Today's first tee conversation. "You must be Calum, I'm Peasy23" "Yeah, nice to meet you." "New member?" "Yeah, just joined last week." "Were you a member somewhere else?" "No, I haven't been a member anywhere for a while. I'm the head pro at Strathaven Golf Club." [emoji33]
  14. Another very enjoyable 3 hour round today, scored bang on my handicap with 2 lost balls and a few other shots flung away. Consistency coming back, just need to cut out the daft shots. Followed by dinner from the clubhouse kitchen, phone your order from the 16th tee and it's ready to collect just after you finish your round.
  15. Golf without fans going well..
  16. If she contributes to Fox News, I'm surprised she hasn't tried to say that Obama or the Clintons killed Maddie.
  17. You see some absolute horseshit on here. I posted before that neither me and the missus, or anybody in our circle of friends would leave any of our kids unattented in our room or apartment at at any time of day, for any reason. I've no idea why you think "millions of parents" would do it. Plenty times we've been on holiday abroad, our daughter comes with us every time we go for a meal. That might mean she conked out in her buggy when she was younger, or we go back to the room at a reasonable time so she isn't too knackered. It's a family holiday, as much hers as it is ours.
  18. He's full of shite as usual. Ultimately, nothing can be done unless the 2m social distancing guideline is changed. I know my daughter's school reckons that the IT suite that usually accommodates a class of 20 could only take 7 pupils with 2m spacing, home economics is even less as the pupils normally work in pairs to start with. Unless Jack can make a shitload of extra classrooms and teachers appear between now and August, the school's hands are tied.
  19. Just finished the Epstein programme, the most stunning thing for me is that it turns out that Robert Maxwell wasn't the biggest c**t in his family after all.
  20. Our greenstaff have done a phenomenal job with only 2 staff instead of 5, but the one part they couldn't touch due to the lack of manpower was the deep rough, it would normally have been cut down in April. There are a few bits between parallel running fairways where they would normally strim around all the trees that they haven't been able to touch. The greens are superb, hard, fast and smooth.
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