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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. Tim Swinson retiring at the end of the season, past his best but still a capable performer. Another hole to fill for Glasgow.
  2. Marley and Me was the in flight movie when we were going on holiday, tears and snotters all over the plane.
  3. FC Cincinnati have appointed Jaap Stam as manager, but their Twitter managed to tweet a picture of someone else. Some of the replies are genius.
  4. It's not as if they were going to start publishing all the people whwe at the conference's names and addresses in the papers. A simple statement to the effect that people who had attended had tested positive and anyone who had been in contact with anyone at it should seek medical advice was all that was needed.
  5. The Nike store in Bishopbrigss was closed for cleaning for a weekend in early March. It would seem fairly obvious now that one of the staff from there had attended that conference. I find it strange that the excuse used for not making it public knowledge at the time was patient confidentiality, but within a coupl of weeks they were naming care homes etc that had cases.
  6. Aye, sore one. You would hope they can replace him with similar quality and experience, but given how that has gone at Glasgow over the last few years I won't be holding my breath.
  7. Yes, but they should be honest and just say that is why they are buying it. It's also used for some arthritis patients. They were talking about it on Jeremy Vine yesterday. One caller had been taking it for over 10 years for his arthritis, it didn't stop him catching Covid19, he tested positive a couple of weeks ago.
  8. Hard to argue with a former Open champion.
  9. Sorry to piss on your chips (not really), but for clubs to survive to the other side if this then course maintainance was deemed essential by the government. If greens hadn't been cut and fed properly they would have died off by now, and would need replaced at an estimated cost of 30k per green. That would have put the vast majority of clubs in Scotland out of business.
  10. Clubs have obviously had some sort of dialogue with golf Scotland, this is what they are expecting.
  11. Could be contractual issues as well, in that they can call it off now at no cost but wait until nearer the the time but have to call it off then, it might cost them a few bob.
  12. With Scottish Golf's track record, it might be better if they stayed out of any discussions. Hopefully they are trying to emphasise the importance of trying to keep clubs going as viable businesses, as well as the exercise and wellbeing side of things.
  13. Jack's first coaching job was at Petershill, and he had a side which I'm told played some brilliant football, which his Shettleston sides of the 80s and 90s also did. He was always good company and could tell a story or ten, condolences to David, Alan and all the family, and all Jack's friends, of which there are very many.
  14. So we can add writer Neil Gaiman to the c**t list. Why only a talking to though? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-52697289&ved=2ahUKEwid5I73lL3pAhXEZxUIHWBKC2AQiJQBMAN6BAgKEAc&usg=AOvVaw14ahoWxWOKIlI-l3QyWoUh&ampcf=1
  15. Definitely, I know the staff aren't in my daughters school that much but it is open for them if they need anything for setting the online lessons.
  16. All the schools are open around where I live for staff to go in, although only the hub has any pupils attending.
  17. There is obviously a problem in the NFL when 80% of the players are coloured but only 12% of coaches, but I'm not sure that offering incentives is the right way to go about changing it. The Rooney Rule is deeply flawed as there is no doubt there are guys interviewed for jobs every year who in all likelihood have little chance of getting it. This new rule could flip that on it's head, a coach who is coloured could be left wondering if he got a job wholly on merit, or was the fact the team got improved draft picks if he stays for a couple of years a factor. There isn't an easy solution, and as long as the majority of owners are very rich white men (and women) then it won't change quickly either.
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