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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Tbf as much as freedom of speech is a total non-issue perpetuated by dickheads there is an issue around putting faith in the police to apply the law correctly.
  2. Take it back if they’re letting him be a part of the pointless shitting on the Revival.
  3. “Taker, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry!” Think we always forgot how good Kurt was at comedy. Was thinking we could have Austin out with his blanket to sleep through a snooze match. Baron Corbin for DA Baracus’s benefit.
  4. American Bad Ass Taker chasing Kurt round the arena for old time’s sake.
  5. Book a sitcom around Vince in a retirement community this instant.
  6. Noticed Mhairi Black hitting out at the children’s ward closure. Leonard can go f**k himself after his shameful reinstatement of Alex Rowley to the Labour Party.
  7. Had noticed that the NYT’s comment section devoted to Trump supporters had featured this quite a bit.
  8. Theresa May has been a colossal failure as PM but it shouldn’t cloud her utterly vicious term as Home Sec.
  9. Taking odds on Braun Strowman killing a legend tonight. Trish through a table?
  10. Couldn't imagine caring more about some Tory MP making edgy comments about Scots than actively encouraging police brutality but y'know fair play.
  11. Think it was Felix Biederman that said the Resistance/ Clinton Democrats' obsession with impeachment is because all of them are the sort of people who demand to speak to the manager and transfer this to their view on how politics should be conducted.
  12. Republicans won’t vote for impeachment while they can throw any old shit in front of Trump and can expect that he’ll sign it. Heck even the fucking idiot Democrats just helped push through even more surveillance legislation that’s supposedly going to stop Trump or something?
  13. You can see that the online game is incredibly well done and it is really enjoyable to play. I would play it myself if I hadn’t just got tired of online gaming after almost a decade of it.
  14. The changing face of America is irrelevant if the widespread disenfranchisement of minorities isn’t addressed.
  15. Man, Peppino really wants to be oppressed.
  16. Genuinely worried for the auld fella. Hope he's keeping well.
  17. If pep was a communist he’d be calling everyone who disagreed with him a cop while receiving a pay check direct from GCHQ.
  18. IMO the best way to frame the argument, and the most correct, is to focus on the complete failure of Westminster to protect Scotland from Thatcher, to utilise the oil boom and to portray independence as the most successful way to protect the welfare state from the ideological attacks of the Tories.
  19. This “Phil Greaves of the Scottish nationalist movement” thing you’re doing is a belter, mate. Keep it up.
  20. There should be an Offensive Behaviour at Rugby Act that just arrests all the Tory dangers that insist on watching that shite.
  21. It’s tone deaf reasoning that seeks to erase Scotland’s very active role in the dirty work of the empire. An independence movement that we can be proud of would make it clear that we aren’t disavowing our own abhorrent colonial past and instead seek to redress those wrongs and play an active and positive role on the world stage in a similar vein to our commendable rhetoric on housing and giving asylum to refugees, and allowing Northern Irish women to seek abortions on our NHS. That’s better than bob the tank’s idea of a movement equating a democratic deficit and the occasional nonsense spouted by the media to actual colonisation efforts around the world.
  22. I agree and it’s why I’ll vote for independence again. I just don’t think it’s productive at all to try and invent an oppression that patently doesn’t exist.
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