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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I think it’s extremely good to portray the independence struggle as a modern day equivalent of the civil rights movement.
  2. What I think the issue is here is the psychological cost of drone warfare. It’s been repeated time and again that the constant presence of drones in regions, the double strike policy and the seeming US indifference to the collateral damage (a horrible turn of phrase, it’s wilful murder) caused by drone strikes is psychologically destroying an entire generation of people in some sections of the world. I don’t think boots on the ground are necessarily better and intervention in any sense has had a debatable effect but nobody’s going to stop sympathising with radical terrorism when their home is subjected to the constant buzz of possible death in the skies.
  3. McCain did sing a song about bombing Iran though. TCK’s not really a millions off with his point tbf either. The absence of critique over Obama’s drone strike policy from the centre was quite apparent and a lot of the current criticism of Trump’s comments come down to tone over anything else. There was a fair whack of criticism of Obama on here tho. Russia should be a hi-tech economic but unfortunately the capitalists got their grubby paws on it.
  4. You must’ve turned off the movie halfway through guy if that’s how you thought the Luke/ Ben arc went. Also Hamill came out fairly recently and clarified his comments on his character direction.
  5. Of course there's a real chance of it. Anyone willing to make concrete predictions on how things will turn out even a year from today are at it or indulging in some wishful thinking. I'm only glad that the SNP leadership are finally trying to respond to Corbynmania with some concrete progressive legislation rather than vacuous speeches at the party conference. The SNP were at their best when they were setting the agenda rather than hopelessly reacting to it as they have been since 2015. I have a dozen problems with Labour that I can list off the top of my head (and another few dozen with Scottish Labour) but they're setting the progressive agenda more than anyone else atm and I think that has to be supported at least short term even if it just causes the independence movement to shake out of its slumber.
  6. Looks more and more like a substantial element of it was to deflect from Rowley’s suspension and subsequent reinstatement. Disgraceful if I’m honest.
  7. The largest oppositional swing since 45, in 8 weeks, in the face of a divided party and 2 years of constant negative press. Socialism is back baby, It’s good again. Ahwoo (wolf howl)
  8. They didn’t shit on Skywalker at all. I thought he was well written and acted the part perfectly as the failed Jedi Master who redeemed himself in the end.
  9. That’s heartbreaking for Paige. Mark Henry grew to be a great hoss. His Hall of Pain run was a decent watch and apparently he’s a great guy behind the scenes. Fairly certain he was the one that raised Bryan’s hand that RAW when the whole crowd was cheering for Bryan over the Authority.
  10. I haven’t got into any either but I really want to. I’m just fucking atrocious at them.
  11. Those aren’t shithole countries and none of them are Muslim tho, are they?
  12. I watch it myself if I’m off but it’s as much of a pantomime as Question Time is if we’re honest. That Burnistoun sketch where they’re doing increasingly unsubtle gags about each other’s partners and maws is pretty much correct.
  13. The only good use of nukes is giving them to North Korea to protect them from the Great Satan.
  14. I’ve a lot of issues with Corbyn I just can’t think of another politician atm who has as good politics and a hope of taking power. I’d far rather Diane Abbott or John McDonnell were leading the party but there’s zero chance of either winning an election, is there? I don’t really buy the incompetency line too much when there’s not too much to go off other than a wildly better election result than literally everyone expected, a public shift in the discourse away somewhat from fascist shit and the SNP feeling sufficiently threatened to bring in progressive taxation changes after a decade of inertia. His European policy is shit but the only way that’s gonna shift is by backing Abbott who’s an unashamed Europhile and has backed or will back another referendum, single market membership and particularly freedom of movement. As for Richard Leonard, if he wants to continue backing abusers in the party then he can rightly get to f**k and take the dinosaurs in the party with him. No time for it.
  15. Big fan of the years of campaigns telling men to stop bottling their issues up and go and talk to a GP being reversed in favour of telling folk to leave it until an arm is hanging off or something.
  16. South London is an off-location. Can’t think of a single decent club in the area.
  17. “Hasn’t landed a blow” equates to removing someone’s majority? Sturgeon’s SNP directly lost a dozen seats to the most incompetent PM ever.
  18. How far back are you going when claiming PMQs wasn't like this? Gladstone and Disraeli?
  19. Free interrail travel is good, the EU is not. That’s about it.
  20. Pretty much. He’s irrelevant unless another referendum happens and then his career is reignited if Leave was to lose, which I doubt they would. Also, Vince Cable is being attacked by Lib Dem supporters for criticising noted homophobe Tim Farron as he’s a fellow Remainer.
  21. Weird of a straight guy to say that IMO. Lib Dem leaders turning out to be liars? I am shook.
  22. I legitimately believed that H&M were selling jumpers joking about school massacres.
  23. They were fine in NXT. Giving them the face paint is half the problem. Also Great Balls of Fire is funny and the PPV was decent. Worst thing not already mentioned that I can think of is the First Ever History Making Women’s MITB match being won by a man.
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