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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. The issue, and it's what I'm hoping to eventually write my dissertation on haha, is that Trump is essentially laying bare the ludicrous hypocrisy of US foreign policy. I don't think he's largely deviating from the norm but his language is so unsubtle and unrefined that it's becoming much easier to see how morally bankrupt it is.
  2. It's baffling when even a slight glance at the Middle East situation would show you that every terrorist group isn't funded from Tehran and the successes, as meagre and infrequent as they are, have come to an extent from working with the Iranians.
  3. Ethno-nationalism is a heck of a drug.
  4. Never heard of Owen Smith before.
  5. Definitely people that think Brewdog sold out. Starting to think TCK's right about you.
  6. Tennents is probably the most inconsistent lager option going but that only makes discussing it even better. You're never gonnae recommend a pub to your mate on the basis that it delivers a tasty Carling are you but the guarantee of a crispy cheap Tennents? Exactly. I also mind an Italian I met in Croatia talking about how amazing Tennents was. Apparently it's big among the youth over there. What more could you want than a Scottish drink that's cheap, popular on the continent and due to "distribution issues" is largely unavailable down south among the lesser Brits?
  7. All of the forced patriotism at US sports pales in comparison to the WWE literally having John Cena come out to announce Osama Bin Laden's death on Monday Night Raw.
  8. Who's going to enforce the UN's doctrines on self-determination?
  9. Sky News seemed to be focusing on the non-profit energy company which is a decent policy tbf.
  10. Feel like the one most likely to turn in The Shield will be Ambrose. I still don't see what's in it for WWE to turn Roman "heel" when it'll just mean the smacks cheering him much quieter than they're currently booing him.
  11. Theresa May's mair goosed than *scrambles furiously for a relevant reference* Catelyn Stark at the Red Wedding. Taking the EU citizens hostage isn't gonna get us a good Brexit deal.
  12. Aye it'll look bad for them if they don't but I can't see a single way Catalonia can come out of this for the better. *maybe they can launch a reconquista of Sicily, Sardinia and southern Greece. Reclaim the Aragonese Empire!
  13. What use is momentum if the entire international community responds to your UDI with a scolding and/ or a shrug of the shoulders?
  14. It's a slow burner definitely but I enjoyed the pace I think because I really dug the atmosphere and found Law hilarious. I would say the payoff is worth it. The visit to Africa and the episode partially based in New York are both great and very satisfying.
  15. I really enjoyed it. It was good to see a well executed and interesting concept that tied up enough plot lines to feel satisfying while leaving plenty for Season 2. It would've been my favourite show of 2016 if The Young Pope hadn't aired at the same time.
  16. Shiels was betting in my shop a couple of weeks back. Boy's a shite better.
  17. VP of the world's most powerful nation state storming out of a football game cause someone took a knee. Minter. [emoji28]
  18. People that think the SJW thought police have some malignant pervasive influence on mainstream society are just as mental as Rangers fans that think Scotland is one election result away from a Stuart restoration and Papal coup.
  19. Anyone with full knowledge of what this Tory government has done to refugees, the disabled and other vulnerable groups and still insists on voting for them is at the very very least selfish and morally bankrupt. *even if they are a poster's maw or da.
  20. LTL expecting pats on the backs for a party member saying something fairly normal. Classic.
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