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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Jeremy Corbyn is the Prime Minister mate just accept it. Twitter search "acid Corbynism" if you want to see what you're missing.
  2. Apartheid South Africa was tolerated by the west for so long when it was politically expedient to do so. Israel is an incredibly useful ally in the Middle East and is backed up by a powerful lobby in the US so there's little impetus to challenge that. The Democrats are just as happy to shout down BDS campaigners and supply arms and funds to Israel.
  3. Enzo is money. Who'd have thought it.!
  4. Last I saw Israel was continuing to subjugate the Palestinian people with pretty much zero in the way of serious opposition.
  5. Wrestlemania 2018. Raise the nuclear codes 15 feet above the ring and have them duke it out in a ladder match.
  6. It's not a problem exclusive to the left is the point that most people are making. The US tried to criminalise support for BDS this year which suggests to me that Zionism is doing just fine.
  7. Andy Dawson's best work is owning himself on Twitter.
  8. It's all just conjecture at this point but it seems to be working atm for Labour just to throw out random positions on Brexit for May to adopt days later. The Tories are destroying themselves over this, there's little need for Labour to do the same but if there's one thing the centrist wing love to do its shooting Labour in the foot.
  9. I must've missed the systemic racism against white people. Did I misread The Black Jacobins and Toussaint actually was a white man?
  10. Israel is an apartheid state. It's treatment of Palestinians and even some Jewish populations could reasonably be described as apartheid. Plenty of anti-Zionist Jewish leftists have argued this.
  11. I don't think Labour needs any consensus on the matter since no clear cut stance on the matter and a social democratic manifesto allows them to pick up the large amount of Brexit voters pissed off at austerity economics while retaining Remainers who will vote for a party that has clearly identifiable commitments beyond just staying in the EU (the Lib Dems).
  12. If Sarwar gets elected the party is utterly finished in Scotland and quite right tbphwya. A Labour Party led by Leonard with figures like Rhea Wolfson can be a force for good in Scotland but dickheads like Blair MacDougall and Sarwar need marginalised and pronto.
  13. Amazing. Cheers, lads. My mate wrote a joke tweet about writing erotic fan fiction about Robbie Travers and Robbie claimed he'd been sent some and posted "excerpts" he'd blatantly written himself. I'll go have a look for it.
  14. Please link me to these if you can. I've only been intermittently catching his Facebook posts which are more in denial than Chemical Ali.
  15. Jmo's increasing shift into becoming the Robbie Travers of P&B is superb to watch.
  16. Labour don't need to commit to a position on Brexit when they can just voice suggestions and Theresa May, a zombie PM kept in power purely to stop Corbyn taking de jure control of 10 Downing Street, will begin to put them in place.
  17. What do you if you're taking a shit during the national anthem? Stand to attention?
  18. I think the great thing about Trump is that there's a strong possibility he's going to do so much damage to the prestige of the office that Americans are going to view the presidential office the same way we view our prime ministers.
  19. Lots of good banter from Ahmadinejad. Mind when he gave back those kidnapped sailors as "an Easter gift"?
  20. I suppose you have to at least give the appearance that it's a fair fight.
  21. Senator Coats, Director of National Intelligence, on North Korea and Kim Jong Un.
  22. Kim Jong Un: fashion icon, successful millennial and all round top boi. Donald Trump: shit hair, weird fan base, not a top boi.
  23. The three of them I've heard of are utter wankers and the other two I haven't belong to organisations filled with wankers.
  24. Good to hear you've started off well but even when it goes tits up you will realise that losing is fun. I've seen me build up Rum into an unstoppable behemoth in CK only for me to convert to EU4 and come up against a suddenly invincible Ethiopia and Persia which forced me out of the MIddle Eaat for two centuries and right on the back foot. Was decent.
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