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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. If you're going to get on board with communism mate then you better learn to shut it.
  2. A total careerist to boot. Spent the past two years prepping a soft left coup against Corbyn before his volte-face when Corbyn nearly won the election.
  3. https://www.lrb.co.uk/v39/n16/patrick-cockburn/endtimes-in-mosul this is a good piece on coalition airstrikes and the damned if they do, damned if they don't situation many Syrians and Iraqis face in IS controlled territory.
  4. Two great episodes and two decent episodes so far.
  5. The biggest criticism, imo, was Bronn and Tormund surviving as their deaths would've caused the audience bigger emotional turmoil without necessarily sacrificing any character's arcs. Bronn especially as his alliance with the Lannisters and their debts leading to his undoing would've been great. Not that fussed though as they're both brilliant in every scene they're in.
  6. It would be a fucking shite final season if the Night King took out Danaerys and all of the Fellowship. Sometimes a satisfying story arc is preferable to all the actors acting realistically.
  7. Looks like the Progressive Liberal [emoji848] has been triggered [emoji41]
  8. That opening match was tremendous. Made much better when the crowd are so into it.
  9. These guys are great friends of mine and they're doing some great things down at Firhill. Wonderful place, wonderful place. The fake news media would have you thinking they're struggling but I can assure you they are doing great. Really great.
  10. Regardless, they're talking about the season finale of the second last season. I for one am shocked someone (not even specified) we've followed the past 7 seasons may die.
  11. Rangers and the USA... The banter years will never die.
  12. Christophe's tantrums >>>>>>> actually watching Game of Thrones at this point.
  13. Conservationists were a bit miffed I imagine.
  14. I would be worried about the reaction of the right in that case. Somebody already murdered an MP before the vote was even cast.
  15. 9:40, mate. I know the man was fucking furious all the time but to write that shite in the REASON TO BE CHEERFUL thread when you've still got 50 minutes till This Morning is on the tele.
  16. Still Reynard's (and maybe the site's) GOAT post. Just checked the time stamp. 9:40am that was sent. Even better.
  17. As much as the cringe hipster tag is so valid towards Vice journalists their filmed material is second to none. Still has to be asked how the f**k they managed to film ISIS first hand.
  18. Man this indyref as an afters that went on too long analogy is becoming way too real.
  19. Aye I remember all the laughing US liberals did towards the Donald then he became the President. I agree with them which is why I'm looking forward to the upcoming elections in the DPRK which i'm sure Freedom House will uphold as free and fair.
  20. I remember reading about Stalin regularly hosting drinks with his comrades, having them all get roaringly drunk and then blackmailing them with the information they divulged to him. Between that and turning the man whose last wish was trying to cut down Stalin's influence into a near religious cult that boosted big Josef's powerbase and you can't deny he was a master manipulator and an evil fucker.
  21. I don't think Edgarus is trying to be edgy or anything but his constant fence-sitting is just this tweet playing out repeatedly:
  22. Agree on the upgrade/ crafting system being poorly explained or at least glossed over. I'm gonna have to spend a bit of time reading up on it or I fear I'll need to do what I done with The Witcher and start over.
  23. The problem is it's so transparent when he's reading a script and when he's speaking off the cuff giving his real view on things. Because he does it all the time and invariably tweets it. He's owning himself on multiple platforms in real time.
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