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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. ... I'm a Green voter. I just find reading Richard Littlejohn alongside your vocal support for Brexit reveals spades about your personal character.
  2. Imagine being so blinkered in your hatred of the SNP that you're reduced to sharing Richard Littlejohn articles. [emoji23]
  3. This and three bottles of vodka so far. I've been bantered off by my family for being a dirty socialist.
  4. Late to this but that Fiorentina - Napoli game was brilliant. Insigne's opener...
  5. Fixing this for you again, lad. Don't want there to be any mix up.
  6. There was a belter of a sign at No Mercy (I think) which said something along the lines of "If Cena Wins, We Go On The Internet And Complain"
  7. Hope it's more like the first two series than that abysmal third.
  8. What you mean by "people's real concerns" is the concerns of the white working class or what you define as the concerns of the white working class.
  9. It's been fucking freezing here the past few days. Maybe he's brought Antarctica here.
  10. It was in the EU's interests at that time to shut down talks of Scottish entry. It almost definitely isn't this time. Again, do you seriously think EU realpolitik will be dismissed in favour of pedantically following their treaties to the letter? Did Greece and the eastern European members seriously and convincingly satisfy every entry requirement demanded by the EU?
  11. What happened to ScotSquid? Feel for H_B. At least when it's swampy, xbl etc they always were up front with how much they lived for P&B. H_B's detached sense of "I'm above this place" makes the repeated comebacks pure tragic.
  12. Aye but on the surface this strategy is win/ win for the SNP. If WM agrees then, as renton says, the gradualist approach to indy is immeasurably strengthened. If, as most people expect, WM vetoes it then it gives the SNP tons of ammunition to portray WM as ignoring the strong Remain majority here.
  13. Still laughing at the Gatestone Institute being quoted in the last page. If only because I thought Robbie Travers had invented it when he revealed he'd been writing for them.
  14. Well Obama seemed to be able to offer effective sound bites and costed policy. If it's so obvious that a few well practiced sound bites is very effective then why did the Clinton campaign settle for shite like "America is already great" and "Pokemon Go to the polls". Clinton and her team have obviously been preparing for this for at least a decade but you wouldn't have thought that judging by how piss poor and uninspiring the campaign was.
  15. Right. So Fox News, Breitbart and Infowars versus the entire mainstream American media and the establishment and she still Dundee'd it. She was standing against a man who openly boasted of sexual assault and targeted dozens of groups in the campaign and the best she could muster was "I'm With Her"? Ah, yes, because in the face of Donald Trump and massive levels of domestic discontent Hillary Clinton and her campaign's best chance should be "vote for this woman's fairytale journey to the highest political office." If the electoral college was such a hindrance to US democracy then the Democrats, and Clinton, had plenty of time to get rid of it but obviously they completely misjudged the election and thought it would save their candidate.
  16. Didn't someone post an article on here focusing on Grimsby that suggested that Iceland and other states had seen more damaging hits to their fishing industries?
  17. Well I didn't think BB was banned from Tesco but now I'm no so sure.
  18. I can't think of a single poster apart from jmo that professed to like Hillary. And calling GD a "Blairite whore".
  19. And I'm sure the EU rigidly enforced every one of its treaties and made absolutely certain the Greeks and all the real basket cases of Europe were suitable potential members before they welcomed them. The EU's politically expedient and if they believe adding Scotland or whoever else will help shore up the European project then we'll get in. That's why it's pointless studying the minutiae of EU law.
  20. Course the EU is going to rigidly enforce its own treaties and refuse a relatively prosperous Western European europhilic nation entry at a time when a member state has just voted to leave and its doing everything it can to keep all the basket cases of Europe from leaving.
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