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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. They're literally all wearing Palace gear now, m8.
  2. I can understand left wing No-voters wanting to stay in and work with the left throughout the UK but the Labour party's behaviour since Corbyn was elected will show how daft that position is.
  3. Yeah an Assaultron just eviscerated me.
  4. That's two Deathclaws I've taken out now because they've just ran around in a circle instead of attacking me.
  5. He isn't though. He mentions at some point that he's slept with more men than Sophie the first time they hook up. Thought that episode was a bit all over the place but it was much better when it was getting it right than the week before which felt like I was trying too hard to be "classic Peep Show".
  6. The tactical combat shotgun is fucking dyno. Wiped out the hall infested with super mutants en route to finding the Railroad.
  7. Tbh I'm the same with most. I blasted through The Last of Us on Easy when I was limited for time and couldn't be arsed with how clunky the game felt at points. Only kept with this on normal cause it really plays how I want it to play.
  8. I ran through the Glowing Sea yesterday. Took out one deathclaw and four radscorpions and managed to avoid a further two deathclaws who immediately went after Valentine. Was incredibly lucky but definitely going to go back when I'm not level 21. Managed to take out Fist fairly easily as well as I was exploring around Diamond City but had to rely on Strong and Rex while we made our escape. What difficulty's everyone playing on? I normally keep the difficulty down as I find Bethesda games a bit tedious rather than challenging (Elder Scrolls especially with its repetitive and dull combat) but I started on normal and stuck to it as the shooting's really good.
  9. Haven't a clue how but I managed it as well. Used about 17 stimpaks though.
  10. They all improve the act of smoking tbf.
  11. I don't think most folk give a shit tbh.
  12. More nippy than they used to be. I've managed to take out most things I've come up against although I ran like f**k when the radscorpion ambushed me in some shack.
  13. Nah that's pretty bang on with how most people viewed the ending I reckon. That's how I felt.
  14. Holy shit no the radscorpions are now terrifying.
  15. I think that just makes you a mug, m8.
  16. Aye I was the exact same. Initially I reacted with "is that it?" but the more I thought about it the more I grew to like it.
  17. Genuine lol @ all the mugs buying it at a midnight launch tonight as well.
  18. That's what I enjoyed about it. His actions at the end really rounded off the development of their relationship and I'm glad it didn't provide a dramatic or climactic resolution.
  19. There's a package been delivered to my house but I'm out at the moment!!!!
  20. Afaik the Scottish govt have changed the upper secondary history courses so that the geopolitical factors and the build up to World War One are specifically not covered anymore.
  21. SMDH at me slagging off grime earlier in this thread what with grime 2.0. Saw Mumdance, Novelist and Riko Dan at the SWG3 earlier and this year and it went off. Take Time is class.
  22. Deerhunter and Atlas Sound on Tuesday.
  23. Somewhat jumped the shark after Mark's wedding (series 4?) with series 8 in particular trying way too hard. Hopefully the few years off will do it the world of good.
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