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Pie Of The Month

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Everything posted by Pie Of The Month

  1. Club have backed down over the foundation being allowed in the stadium. All thanks to the Thistle Trust of course.
  2. Now I've bought my season ticket Im not sure what the point in boycotting is but I'll not be bothering with cup games or putting any extra money into the club and will support any organised action. I've noticed even some fans who were 'i only care about matters on the pitch' seem incredibly pissed off so I'd hope the foundation can capitalise on that if they decide to go down the route of taking any sort of action.
  3. Limited number of tickets on sale next Wednesday at 10am according to the Scotland Supporters Club email they sent out tonight in case anyone is still looking.
  4. Banning TJF is the kind of decision that the trustees just wouldn't have the knowledge or experience to make.
  5. "We're really successful in business but we don't think we'd be as good as Jacqui Low and Alan fucking Rough".
  6. Various Thistle fans owned much smaller stakes in the club, many of them from the Save The Jags time. Low came in with Weir. We were probably more fan owned and run then than we are now considering everyone on the board at that time were Thistle fans at least.
  7. If you want to find out more your 2 options are to meet one of the trustees in the Aitken Suite on Friday (not any sort of official meeting of course, just you going up to him in the Aitken Suite) or wait for the Q&A which the Trust are releasing 'shortly'. The fact I've had to delve into the facebook replies of the club's post about this and find one of the Trustees speaking in a personal capacity bodes well for future engagement with fans.
  8. Cumbernauld's contribution to the world seems to be this, being nominated every year for being a shitehole and being a safe haven for clubs like Clyde and Open Goal Broomhill. Even Gregory's Girl can't make up for that
  9. Looks like the PTFC trust have simply removed Euan Couperwhite's name from their statement rather than acknowledge any wrongdoing on his part.
  10. Alan Nixon of the Sun saying Brighton interested in Gilmour.
  11. I notice the PTFC Trust facebook page has had loads of negative comments from earlier today deleted. Good start to see they can't communicate with fans and are pretending any criticism isn't happening. One of the trustees also took time out of his busy schedule to reply to the Thistle post but without addressing any of the concerns.
  12. https://youtu.be/eFR1aPEM7K0?t=2904 48mins or so in Rough actually talks about the situation. They met the 8 people from the Trust last night which is strange since the Trust statement doesn't list 8 so I'm assuming that includes the fan reps that have been on the board. The majority of the fans will get behind it and Jacqui has had to deal with a lot apparently.
  13. Unless the situation has changed the club appoint half of the Trust's trustees and I imagine this will all have been set up in a way to avoid us from being able to get rid of the lot of them.
  14. I wonder if Alan Rough will discuss the club he's a director of today on his live stream with Peter Martin or if he saves his mentions of Thistle for blabbing about club business regarding transfers like he did with Tiffoney.
  15. Who'd have thought when Low and Shand had an issue with the Foundation's articles of association it was that they didn't include her being able to appoint half the trustees like seems to have been the case with the PTFC Trust?
  16. and the last thing they tweeted before that was the riddy of Jacqui Low renaming us Partick Thistle Family Club. Jesus Christ.
  17. I'm sure it was asked years ago when they were first formed but how exactly can the club hand over the details of season ticket holders to be members of this organisation without asking for your permission to share your personal details?
  18. With any luck I can use the vote I apparently have to get rid of the fucking lot of them.
  19. Really looking forward to seeing a midfield 3 of McKinnon, Docherty and Turner. Surprised he's dropped Bannigan despite thinking it's the right move. Home win.
  20. He was the exact same at Thistle for possibly the 8 or 9 months (I may be off on the amount of time but it did feel like ages) until he scored an absolutely shite goal to get a bit of confidence and then he was excellent. It probably helped that he was playing up front with Brian Graham too as opposed to being a lone striker.
  21. I'm not sure anyone is spinning anything, we needed a back up full back to cover injuries and we've signed one. That's it.
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