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Dee Man

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Everything posted by Dee Man

  1. It would be fucking epic if the sculptor was a Dee and the unveiling of the statue revealed a raging Jim McLean launching a punch at a startled John Barnes.
  2. What will the Dynamite shops be shut? No, silly. Cartoons hadn't been invented back then and everyone knows Acme invented dynamite for Wile E. Coyote to try to blow up Roadrunner.
  3. Kilbowie was a mad ground. A big office-like block behind one of the goals full of windows that were presumably plastic or reinforced glass. Edit: Here's a picture here. I miss old stadiums like that and Brockville. Dunno why the f**k I'm on here reminiscing, but here we are.
  4. Remember to take the formula to make dynamite with you or you'll feel a right mug when you realise you can't source any.
  5. Catholic and boyhood Celtic fan who went on to play for Rangers Neil McCann? Strange path for a bigot to take.
  6. Probably because none of those games has got any bearing on Sunday's match whatsover.
  7. I can't see Adam being ruled out for 6 weeks then being back already, but hopefully I'm proven wrong and he gets to live out a boyhood dream of scoring the winning goal in a Dundee derby. Adam and Griffiths to score for peak dab rage please.
  8. I think "fucking awful" is a tad harsh on The Dee. Obviously the Celtic game aside and Motherwell at Fir Park, I reckon we've been decent enough and I've enjoyed the other games apart from not winning, obvz. I see enough to be positive about for the season ahead.
  9. Great tune. I've always been disappointed this has never been played at Dens...
  10. Whatever the result, I predict that Twinkle will be on here to finish his posts with a crying laughing emoji to prove how not bothered he is by anything.
  11. Guys, guys, guys; there are some great posters on here who I enjoy their posts and styles immensely and who have political ideologies on the opposite ends of the spectrum but I think I speak for many others when I say we don't give a f**k about them on this thread. Please keep it for the politics forum and utilise this thread purely for abusing/berating/antagonising/provoking/walkingdowntheprovieroadtokickfuckout dabs please. Thank you.
  12. What's the deal with Fontaine? Was he carrying a knock and that's why he was on the bench on Saturday?
  13. Last time I was in there we hired out the full place and had to wait fucking donkeys for our food. Some main courses came out after about 90 minutes by which time others had finished theres. The food was fantastic though. I'm choking for a curry now.
  14. Those pretending to hit but running over the ball and leaving it for someone else free-kicks work 100% of the time. So clever.
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