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Dee Man

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Everything posted by Dee Man

  1. Here's another spin on it: You're saying a Rangers fan believes Celtic should get more of the sponsorship deal.
  2. How do you know who is top 6 opposition before the league splits
  3. What's the first part of that quote you conveniently left out to suit your ill thought out agenda? Is that the part where he hypothetically states that IF there was a meeting and IF everyone agreed on it that Rangers AND Celtic should receive more money? Granted, a bit of a strange example for him to give, but a massive leap to jump from that to the sensationalist bullshit headline of CHARLIE ADAM SAYS RANGERS SHOULD GET... Quite mad that presumably grown men can't see past a tabloid headline and think for themselves. Fortunately us Dees are here to break it down and spell it out for you.
  4. FFS man, he didn't say Rangers should get more of the sponsorship. Rather than me breaking down what he actually said, can you let me know what you think he said so I can understand what part people are struggling with.
  5. The first link he's talking about Rangers AND Celtic, the second link is where he and a number of other players past and present are asked the same question and the third one is where he's a pundit on a radio show where he's presumably answering a question - not quite a spokesperson ramming his opinion down people's throats without being asked. Personally I'd rather he didn't do the punditry job and discuss other Scottish club's while he's employed by us but for people desperate to see him as 'a Rangers man' simply because he answers questions on his ex-employer is a bit mad. Here he is discussing Steve Bruce and Newcastle: Here he is discussing Jordan Henderson and England: https://talksport.com/football/892557/liverpool-charlie-adam-jordan-henderson-roy-keane-england-euro-2020/ Here he is discussing Ian Holloway and Sunderland: https://talksport.com/football/efl/613074/ian-holloway-would-run-to-sunderland-as-former-player-charlie-adam-backs-him-for-job/ He's a part-time pundit who probably fancies a job in the media when he's done and answers the questions he's asked. Unfortunately 90% of questions in Scotland will be about the cheeks and the majority of the ones thrown his way will probably be more about Rangers as he used to play there. Surely this isn't an incredible revelation to any football fan in Scotland?
  6. Firstly, if you were loathe to post the Record, why did you do it? Secondly, why would you post a link to his comments that don't do anything to back up your claim but reinforce mine that he didn't say what you suggested?
  7. Top trolling if this thread finishes with Livi Del Boy saying, "Made you look".
  8. I doubt Anderson will start. Marshall will be back at LB and McGhee will go back into midfield.
  9. What opinions exclusively on Rangers is this?
  10. Stop pm'ing me for my sister's number - it's not happening.
  11. Quite mad that people are getting their knickers in a twist - excuse the pun - about Charlie Adam's comments. Racism and the chants from the terracing aimed at his family are both forms of personal abuse from the terraces that none of these fuckwits would dare say to someone's face. I've already seen comments that racism is abhorrent but the abuse aimed at Adam are just a laugh. Put yourself in the shoes of the individuals on the receiving end of the abuse and ask yourself if one is worse than the other. On the subject of Adam's allegiances, I can confirm that he is definitely a Dundee fan. I've seen him at Dundee games on his own and sat with him for 90 minutes at Firhill. The "big team" stuff is just something that people here have made up in their heads without any substance whatsover, based on the fact that he started his career at Rangers - a particularly weak argument.
  12. I'm not sure Keevins even realises what his f**k up is judging by that apology. I don't think anyone would construe what he said was of him condoning racism, sectarianism or any form of bigotry.
  13. Do Hibs have the Beep, Beep motors or whatever it was on their shorts again this season?
  14. He'll jump in head first and walk out unscathed...
  15. U wot m8? I appreciate you're twisting words as this isn't going too well for you and obviously you don't want to make yourself look like an even bigger clown than you already appear, but we both know that's not even close to what I was saying. A flippant remark about a football club is nowhere near as bad as singling out someone for personal abuse about their family. By all means batter in and sing your little song, but don't come onto our thread and attempt to take the moral high ground. Especially when Jupe was spot on
  16. You were on our thread crying last last week because @Day of the Lords made a jokey comment saying 'We're not Dundee Utd' when yon sex offender was on trial, but now abusing an individual's family is fair game. Your true colours and rank hypocrisy are shining through here.
  17. "Rangers have to take the game by the initiatives".
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