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Dee Man

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Everything posted by Dee Man

  1. Last time I was in there we hired out the full place and had to wait fucking donkeys for our food. Some main courses came out after about 90 minutes by which time others had finished theres. The food was fantastic though. I'm choking for a curry now.
  2. Those pretending to hit but running over the ball and leaving it for someone else free-kicks work 100% of the time. So clever.
  3. Quite incredible feat from McDaid to come on and not do even one thing right. I hope their keeper's wife burns his dinner tonight.
  4. On the subject of the derby, how many potentially career ending/life threatening challenges are we guessing Callum Butcher gets away with before getting a booking? I'll go for eight.
  5. Well maybe you should go to Specsavers then because you can't even see when you're driving at night because you've, eh you don't even wear your glasses on TV in case you get slagged off.
  6. Off to the glue factory for Hugh.
  7. Looks like they've captured him just at the beginning of the hung, drawn and quartered process. Seriously, if I'd done that in O-Level Art, Mr Norrie would've smashed it up and told me to start again.
  8. Not if John Nelms takes my email on board He didn't employ Billy Dodds so obviously my emails are a big deal...
  9. They'll have that between themselves by the end of November.
  10. Bullet dodged IMO. When you're on trial for about 10 years and can't prove that you're better than Christie Elliott then you deserve to end up back in the Championship.
  11. 30 quid Ashgar doesn't even attempt to hide his contempt for fans and almost certainly views them as customers as opposed to supporters. As much as I'd like to see our end full to support the team, a message needs to be sent that these prices are unacceptable. #boycottthebrick #snubthestickle
  12. I think McCowan is going to be a decent player once he gets up to speed with the step-up in physicality and pace of the Premiership compared to the Championship. There's definitely a player in there for me, the same way that you could see Boyle was raw but was going to progress with time and coaching. The way he skinned the Motherwell right back in the first half last week was one of the few high points of the game. Pretty sure he was involved in winning the ball back and the breakaway for McMullan's shot off the bar as well. He'll become an important player for us IMVHO.
  13. A friend of a friend heard it from the man himself. Hopefully he had developed a temporary speech impediment at the time and 'two' sounded like 'eight'.
  14. What's the story with that transfer anyway? Something very weird about the full thing.
  15. Aye, I'm sure the rest of Scottish football will be quaking in their boots at the prospect of facing a striker who scored 8 goals in 56 appearances over 3 years Anyway, get this St J chat to f**k. I thought I'd accidentally gone into their thread.
  16. Do you reckon Police Scotland buried their head in the sand and took the cowards way out? Edit: Irrespective of the response, I'm done. Apologies to St Johnstone fans for spamming their thread with this shite.
  17. You said the information was on her Instagram bio so presumably you saw it? I can't be bothered with this shite as it's been done a million times across multiple threads, but for the record, I and many other Dees are of the opinion he made a c**t of it and didn't realise her age. We hunted the convicted sex offender on trial a week or two before it. I think I'll take the findings of the police who had all the information at hand over internet detectives determined to point score over it. Thank you.
  18. Oh dear. Weren't you creeping about said girl's Instagram page?
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