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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Have I missed an SPFL rule change and Clubs are now being relegated by the "moneyball" rule?
  2. St Johnstone have been on a steady decline for a couple of years it seems. Mother time catching up with the core of the team that won the cup and did so well in that period. Don't see many goals in the squad either.
  3. You'd like to think they'd have addressed this issue in the 5+ years since @Gareth_Glasgow mentioned it.....
  4. In the early to mid 80s I was called the remote.
  5. Heartbreaking situation. You're a good man, Keith. Gambatte
  6. 9.30 in the morning and I'm on the cocktails.... Happy Thursday everyone!
  7. I'd normally call it the "remote" but in moments of brain freeze it gets called the "thingamy" or "whatdayacallit".
  8. Don't believe everything Megan McCain or CNN says. Her views on homosexuality have changed since she w teenager within a strict Religious upbringing and she's actually been commended by LGBT Groups for evolving as a person and subsequently supporting LGBT rights. Regarding Assad, she met with him. That doesn't mean she supports him. She's advocating diplomacy as opposed to conflict. US Forces are currently supporting and training ISIS! Who's the good guys there?! So she didn't support the impeachment vote in the Trump show trial? Russiagate and Ukrainegate are just one big distraction. There's plenty of ways to impeach Trump but the Corporate Dems are complicit in those crimes. See Biden at the CFR or Pelosi in supporting Bush's torture and rendition program....that's before getting to Obama! Anyway, she's not perfect but the very same people and organisations that are attacking and smearing Bernie are attacking and smearing her......that speaks volumes.
  9. Warren is Obama 2.0 and he along with the majority of the Democrats is why they have Trump as President. Tulsa is against taking corporate money like Bernie and anti war.......a stance that got Trump over the line v Hillary. (Not that he's acted this way in office!)
  10. You started all this by mentioning your glory hole adventures!
  11. Would that have been before or after the old Mill office was burnt down by my mates wee brother?
  12. Gabbard? She's a progressive, not Republican lite and been attacked by Clinton herself. I actually think if Bernie somehow manages to win the nomination, she (Gabbard) be his running mate.
  13. I'm looking forward to you all being eaten by bears.
  14. It's usually in his mouth when he visits public toilets........ allegedly
  15. I'm guessing that was before Begbie took Viagra in T2?
  16. There's been a few cases over here in Japan already. The Government has issued warnings for people planning on visiting China for the New Year. Even if the numbers seem large, you have to remember that more people live in Asia that the other Continents combined.
  17. My Uncle destroyed the 100m World record........and my keyboard! 9.5seconds. think it still stands......unless liebfraumilch (it was the 80s!) was a banned substance?
  18. The name of this thread should be changed to Irn Bru anonymous . its like a cross between an addiction clinic and the Silk Road site on the dark web! Just goes to show how addictive sugar is.
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