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Everything posted by sjc

  1. St Johnstone's average attendances nearly tripled in the first few years at McDiarmid Park.......
  2. Carriage is usually passed on to the buyer.
  3. If English companies are buying our goods and selling them on outwith the UK for a profit then we're not getting true market value for these goods.
  4. This is why I suggest this area for investment. Look at China and their one belt one road project. Slightly different but infrastructure nonetheless, with Russia also with their Nordestream and the Iran/Iraq/Syria gas pipelines......both pushed forward due to the Ukrainian conflict, hence cutting the off completely.
  5. Finances will determine which ports/airports are used. Why are ours so uncompetitive, especially when you factor in additional fuel costs in transporting the goods down to England? This suggests it's far more an issue of capacity.
  6. I stated the correction to Glasgow airport in a later post. If our ports can cope comfortably, why aren't we exporting directly? Logistically, drive the entire length of a Country (UK) with some of the highest fuel prices going, makes no sense.
  7. I agree. Scotland has the basic infrastructure in place. They just need upgraded. FWIW, I agree with @BawWatchin sentiment regarding finding the finances to fund these upgrades.....but ignoring this won't win an IndyRef2 (if/whenever that may come).
  8. Doesn't Glasgow take A380s. I'm sure Prestwick will be able to as well. I beg your pardon, yes, Glasgow airport can now take A380's. Still doesn't change the fact we are woefully equipped to deal with exporting our goods though. Until we bring that 77% figure down to reflect it's true final destination figure then everything else is just window dressing imo.
  9. The biggest tinpot thing about the SPFL is it's actual governing body. They're a fucking joke and the biggest detriment to the game without question.
  10. If you can't get your goods to market, you've not got a business. Scotland has 1 commercial airport that can take a 747 (not even an A380!)..... Prestwick. Fucking Prestwick! Additionally, No motorway links to Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness, Stranraer, Scrabster and even Newcastle Ports. You carry on hoping for the best but unless this square is circled independence will remain out of reach.
  11. IMO the Scottish Government if it's serious about Independence, should be doing all it can to upgrade the Country's infrastructure before even thinking about a 2nd Referendum. According to the Scottish governments own figures, 77% of our exports go to England, Wales or Northern Ireland. I refuse to believe that this is were all those goods terminate. (It doesn't bear thinking about if it is their final destination!) This suggests that we (sic) don't have the port or airport capacity to get our goods to their final destinations, which leaves us vulnerable to exploitation and/or not getting true value for our goods. This is where we as a Nation should start. A fully thought through plan for currency to prevent QE issues if required also needs to be addressed.
  12. Tom Brown was indeed a p***k. Robert Fuckface and his poems. Detroit not being in fucking Delaware! I got 7/10.....
  13. Phil Scott, who'd just broken into the Scottish u21 squad and had been received much hype in the media asked my best mate if he "knew who he was"............"if you don't know who you are, how the f**k should I?" was the reply.
  14. There's plenty geeky and techy things to see in Tokyo alone, let alone the rest of the country. There's lots to see here both modern and old though.
  15. That's a long sleeve kimono. It's not the length of the sleeve on the arm but what hangs down from it. (Yeh, I was confused at first too!)
  16. Currently in a "British pub" in Tokyo and the only draught they have on offer is Guinness and Heineken........ should I say something? The food menu was more Italian than anything but in fairness the haggis wasn't bad...... although that could be more to do with the fact I can't actually remember what proper haggis tastes like!
  17. You'd shag a barbers floor is what I heard......
  18. I'm not having that. He was a proper c**t!
  19. If only. I don't, I live near Hiroshima. Just here for the weekend for my brother in laws wedding. What and where in Japan are you looking to see? f**k you!
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