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Andy Dufresne

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Everything posted by Andy Dufresne

  1. Just watched John McGlynn's interview on Falkirk TV and he has said he doubts Meekison will play for us again.
  2. We have taken our energy company to the ombudsman and won our complaint,we have not been billed correctly for electricity since we moved into the house May 2021 due to a faulty smart meter.We are now £1004 in credit and getting a new meter fitted next week. They also tried to charge us for gas use(not standing charge) when we are away most weekends and the boiler is switched off
  3. I think Tynie Bagstock has one and has had a few problems with it
  4. I am not holding my breath that it is fixed properly,but they have been told if it is not the car will be refused and a full refund looked for.
  5. I am more worried about the people i leave behind,my grandson only has myself and my wife in his in his life as both his mother and father don't want to know him.I am 54 next month and he is only 7.
  6. Should get my wife's car this week,it was serviced yesterday and MOT'D today with no problems.Not a suprise as she only did 2500 miles in it last year.
  7. The standard of the officials at this level of football is unacceptable,you will not see a more blatant push for a penalty this or any other season,what makes it worse is the asst was looking straight at it as well as the useless c**t in charge.He of course also never gave a foul on Brad and pulled the game back when Morrison was about to score when the Edinburgh player had an eyelash in his eye.
  8. McGlynn has said looks like he has done his hamstring.
  9. Can't remember what game it was but i jumped up shouting stop fucking diving.
  10. And i am glad to say none of those pubs are there today,last time i was in the Ellwyn was for a funeral and as the guy was a Falkirk fan none of the bigots dared show face as he was a well known Grangemouth man.
  11. Considering the shite we shipped out and the players we have brought in i am also one happy baldy bairn.
  12. We one's new passport came back in super quick time,we were dreading it as we has to send away proof of residency.
  13. I think he was meaning he was only on a one year deal at Clyde.
  14. The TV money for the Darvel game would not have been budgeted for so that will help a great deal.
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