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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. We're giving credit for pledges now and not actually doing anything? Achievements and pledges are different things and should be treated as such. The previous post is a regurgitation of the SNP line. The source is here: https://www.snp.org/humza-yousafs-first-month/ FWIW, it is a difficult gig in tough circumstances. As a former party member its true that I am a sceptic but you'd have to be a party partisan to believe everything is going well. On childcare he pledged to widen access to free childcare in the leadership election to 1 and 2 year olds. He hasn't actually done anything on this since he has been leader. The £15m is for school age childcare. It really is a drop in the ocean. The transparency review at the moment looks like the NEC marking their own homework. Where are the terms of reference? Who are the third party expertise to ensure the review isn't a whitewash? He hasn't condemned the culture of secrecy and poor party governance that the previous FM and her inner circle presided over. He can say this without impacting the police investigation. He's opted not to as the previous FM and her supporters are also his supporters. He's in a tough position here, he looks weak either way. As for the DRS, it's a shit show and needs sorted out. At the moment he's kicked the can down the line. I don't see any evidence of a change in approach to-date it's more of a reprieve for small businesses and an opportunity to point the finger at the UK Government. It needs binned or a fundamental rethink. As for challenging Section 35. That's a forlorn hope at best and a waste of resources. I'd give him 5/10, a bit meh frankly. Could do better with early signs of promise. He needs to be bolder and break from what's gone before. Being an NS tribute act isn't going to cut it.
  2. Even if you accept that they bought a motorhome legitimately (with the requisite party approvals and appropriate funding). The line that it was to be a battle bus during covid is pretty thin. Why did they opt to buy it instead of rent it? Given it has had zero use by the party, the decision to buy it looks like utter incompetence. Even more so when you consider the party's financial issues. Bizarre doesn't even cover it.
  3. Ring-fenced funds can't be spent on whatever Peter Murrell fancied. Or what Humza fancies. The party is morally bankrupt on this. The contortions and contrivances being imagined as a defence are pretty unedifying. This is not acceptable conduct plain and simple. Is it criminal? I doubt it but I suspect the police have stumbled onto something else criminal tbh. Its dodgy as f**k though. I still expect more than half the NEC to resign before Conference.
  4. I know you are being ironic but there are people who genuinely believe that.
  5. It's good to see the praetorian guard (aka John Swinney) flanking the former FM.
  6. Given Douglas Chapman wasn't able to access the necessary financial information. I can't imagine Chapman approved buying the motorhome. Hergo we're back to Mr Murrell authorising that himself... and we're back here...
  7. The clarification isn't exactly exhonerating. Not knowing about it until the 2021 accounts is a worry as it means he didn't know about it when the cash went out! The year end accounts are prepared long after the money has actually been spent. It just demonstrates how lax the financial control of the SNP had gotten. Beattie was treasurer in name only. It seems Murrell held all the levers of power as well as the bank accounts and credit cards.
  8. I wouldn't trust Bunter as far as I could throw him. I'd believe Flynn ahead of him tbh.
  9. How could the party treasurer not know the party had bought a motorhome? That's Beattie's story. It must be lonely being Mr Murrell.
  10. The Jewson logo is much softer this year. Its good that they have allowed us to invert the colours. The dark blue with the white letters was too dominant.
  11. I know what you are getting at but I've never seen someone post "we are shite and I can't be bothered haha" on pie and bovril. I would also argue if you have the means and you're not enjoying it, why should you go? It's not a donation to some noble cause. My own circumstances - every game is about about a 4/4.5 hour commitment for me with travelling. I go because I stand with my brothers and my grandad for the chat and the catch up, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be going at the moment. I'm not ashamed to say that, the football at home has been pish for far too long (long before this season). Its family that keeps me going along at the moment, it's certainly not the insipid football. I suspect I'm not alone in that tbh.
  12. The sad pikachu worked a treat... I've now got 5 games on the go.
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