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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. Power is just a shite version of Stephen McGinn, you guys did us a massive favour offering a deal....
  2. Bobby Madman will be in charge of Sunday's tie
  3. He's a good un with bags of potential according to his youth coaches and Tommy Wright, who rated him highly enough to draft into the 1st team squad. He was on the bench for all our League Cup matches also, thou didn't quite manage any minutes on the park .... take care of him and good luck for the season ahead.
  4. Nurse, The slabber cabbage is chewing his crayons again....
  5. Looks like Joshua Rae took a right sore one, wishing him a speedy recovery ....
  6. Do you guys put together a highlighs video of Saturday's game?
  7. That looked a top drawer save he made from Alston's shot, hard to tell from the BDS stand if it was going in the top corner or not but he didn't take the chance anyway. He looks to be a very promising youngster judging by both today and his clean sheet last season.
  8. Alessio had us 5th in the league when he got punted, for reasons only truely known to Bowie, McLeish & Jamieson despite what the ITK folks say. Now, if you'd said Alex Dyer, I doubt you'd have many arguements....
  9. He certainly wasn't that player today. He's only 20 yrs old, blowing hot n cold is to be expected at his age....
  10. Doesn't say much for the turgid shite you have to endure EVERY week
  11. 7 games played including preseason friendlies, with a team who only met 6 and a half weeks ago for the 1st time and have yet to taste a defeat on the pitch is probably well beyond what most Killie fans imagined would happen. TW has to take enormous credit for the rebuild job he's done so far and hopefully with one or two pieces of quality still to add, he'll have us set up nicely to compete throught the season at the right end of the table.....
  12. He's said publically with both his last 2 contracts to get the younger ones sorted first then Killie can sort him out with a new deal, basically, he wouldn't be hard to deal with....
  13. If you think Burke is on silly money, you crazy....
  14. Killie have a sponsorship with WestFM, hence the Billy Kirkwood advert.....
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