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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Welcome back. Is Connolly still playing for you? If so, he'll be delighted to hear Cody Cooke is moving on.
  2. I like that home shirt. Solid, even stripes is all I really want to see. Not fussed on the away one - not a fan of fussy design elements - but it's ok, I guess.
  3. All of this bullshit just because Hearts won't just shut up and get down. It's almost a shame they didn't beat us in March: at least the whole of Scottish football would just be getting the f**k on with it. Instead we've been treated to the most petulant display of drawn-out cuntery I think I've seen for a long time.
  4. Yeah, I finished bottom of the class. I took my demotion to the next group down like a good guy, though. None of the endless complaining that you sometimes see.
  5. I can remember "Les coeurs son merdes." Can't remember what it means, tbh.
  6. See, if we got Davis back, to play alongside McCarthy, would Baird really be a terrible third choice alongside those two? I'd see if he wants to see the contract out, personally. Unless the relationship with Goodwin is beyond repair now.
  7. Yeah, can't see McGinn getting a top-flight gig now, legend though he may be. We're not renewing a few guys' deals. Of those, only Mullen might get picked up somewhere in the top flight, but he will probably go to Dundee (a move collapsed in January). Hladky has always said he wants to play in England and I hope he gets a gig in the Championship.
  8. Hearts fans are making real dicks of themselves with this 'expelled' thing. I honestly thought they were just at it to begin with, but it seems I was giving them too much credit. I'd love to know which part of this definition they think doesn't apply to them.
  9. Would be amazing to get Famewo back, too. Strongly suspect that may depend on what league Norwich find themselves in. Jim's got his work cut out, but we always knew he would.
  10. Budge has threatened legal action if anyone tries to expel Hearts from the Champions League.
  11. This was two years ago. Feels like a lifetime. We're on our third manager since then. Madness.
  12. That's great news. Vital we keep hold of as many known quantities as possible (as long as they're any good) this summer. (Ok, that's true every summer, but especially so this one.)
  13. If/when he's fit, wouldn't surprise me if he became a full back on a permanent basis.
  14. A couple of things: 1) imagine having had that much cash pumped into your club and still being as shite as Hearts are. What exactly has the money been spent on? 2) Budge's latest interview re legal action seemed to focus on the 'restriction of trade' aspect. (It makes sense, as they don't have a leg to stand on in any other aspect. I'm not sure they do in this one either, but that's by the by.) So, if this donation takes place and there is no restriction of trade because all the leagues can play, then the legal challenge is even more dead than it was before. So really, really dead. Edit: How are they going to backtrack from that? The Hearts fans (on Twitter) are baying for blood, the thick fuckers.
  15. Anyway, is it D-day* for Hearts and their reconstruction plans today? * Doon-day.
  16. There are clubs recently relegated to the Championship doing the same, tbf.
  17. I strongly suspect she was mid-sentence before realising that her bullshit was technically bribery and that applying conditions to that would backfire in all kinds of ways. Imagine being such a simpleton that Neil fucking Doncaster runs rings round you If Jay from the Inbetweeners turned into Chucky and was running a football club....
  18. With a new TV deal and prize money all doled out so teams can budget accordingly. I think it's been handled perfectly, tbqhwy.
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