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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Might look into that. Cheers. Though there's something old-school about listening to the radio commentary and pacing about the kitchen like a coiled spring.
  2. He's a notorious tightwad so would be unlikely to splash out on new ones. Just let that sink in.
  3. Struggling to know whether to respond with a gif of Robbie Nielson punching the air when you took us to penalties, or of Hladky saving the final pen, or Ian Ferguson's shot hitting the back of the net, or the classic 'Willo Flood pushes the camera'. Which would you prefer and I'll get it sorted?
  4. That's interesting, and pretty much how I see it panning out in the event of a Saints win tonight. Obviously the stats can't/won't take into account my projected collective arse collapse if we lose such a crunch game. It'll probably be a draw, right enough.
  5. We're finishing tonight in 9th, 10th or 12th, six clear, four clear or even on points with Hearts. In numerical terms, a defeat is no disaster for us here, but from a morale point of view I think it will absolutely ruin us. We're short of big characters on the pitch and I think, if we lose this, our heads will go and we'll finishing bottom. For the record, if we win, I still don't think Hearts will finish bottom, but nor will we.
  6. I can only assume that some of his performances for St Mirren are now under scrutiny as well.
  7. They did the same with Robinson when he was up for battering his Mrs...going as far to not name him but call him "the Motherwell manager" It does at least answer the question 'what would Doug Imrie look like if he was a sprite in a 90s computer game?' The answer, of course, being 'still a c**t'.
  8. Yeah. It's manipulation of in-play markets, and it's criminal and should be punished, but no match has been fixed here.
  9. I, for one, would like to welcome the pioneering contingency planning that Livingston and Hamilton have been doing re playing games behind closed doors this season.
  10. +1 for being able to name her without Google. But I think that's an extreme case: people wanted to know who Grant was cheating on Liz Hurley with, so that made her something of a household name at the time.
  11. The town of Saint has long been divided along such bitter lines.
  12. Bloody hell mate, that's about as bleak a post as I can remember seeing from you! Re the bit in bold, I think that's basically the opposite of when Jack Ross first took over, and Kearney to a lesser extent. Back end of 2016, and then back end of 2018, people looking in from outside saying we were still shite, the managers hadn't improved things, etc. But fans could see the shift and, even though survival went down to the wire on both occasions, there was a sense that we were heading in the right direction. Really can't say that this year: we have been left behind by various teams that were struggling at some point - Killie early on, Hibs, St Johnstone all got their act into gear. Now we're being reeled in at an alarming pace by Hamilton and Hearts. But the really concerning thing is that we're simply not scoring goals or even creating chances. We dominated Aberdeen for possession and territory but their keeper might as well have been sat pissing about on his phone for all the concern we caused him. Likewise Accies and St Johnstone at our place. Ehhh. I've got a bad feeling about this.
  13. Never us in a million years. Though you can see why we'd be near the top of the list if they were identifying clubs: airport proximity alone would surely be a key factor. Must admit I'm not familiar with the new rules that they're claiming is driving this. Surely, for the costs involved, and for the likelihood of actually developing first team talent via this system, Chelsea would be better off just sticking to the rules and culling their ridiculous squad.
  14. Yeah. Sensible head on: he's not fixed a game, has he? Probably had zero impact on the outcome, even if the whole thing is dodgy as f**k. I mean, they'll need to make an example of him to prevent anyone else considering it, but I think a bit of perspective is in order. Maybe just dock them the 10 points.
  15. Same for us mate, apart from the cup final bit. If anything, as crazy as it sounds, I'd say a defeat would be more damaging for us than it would for you, given our current trajectory. I still feel like you'll haul in at least one of those above you, regardless of what happens this week. But if we lose, we could really spiral.
  16. Yup. I believe it's that someone hasn't coughed up the required supplement in order to televise stuff that clashes with the Champions' League, but it's still a joke. I really can't see past Hearts here.
  17. You're only underlining your own inability to understand words and context. Sorry, that was probably too complicated: YOU NO READ SO GOOD.
  18. Yeah, I posted that before I checked the table, like an idiot.
  19. Yeah. Our GD has just been wiped out. Two goal defeat in midweek and we go bottom. Quite the fucking collapse, tbh.
  20. Goal difference taking a doing here. Heaviest defeat of the season, though, so we've got a bit of wiggle room in the GD column. Still, shite all round. Hearts game is utterly fucking massive.
  21. Well, look what happened in England when the smaller clubs were given a decent chunk of cash. They started actually challenging. The cheeky fuckers. Can't have that sort of nonsense up here.
  22. So, we could take a lesson from each of them?
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