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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. The way things are going at Palmerston just now it's probably fucking Dobbie. I'm sure it's not, but purely as a hypothetical, do you reckon he could still make the step up*? Surely his legs must be starting to go. He's three years younger than me and I'm fucking knackered * This really is just out of interest.
  2. I love Danny Mullen and he loves the club. But you can't shake the feeling he's just not quite good enough, similar to Baird and Cammy Smith and various others. Sad when they go but Jim's got a job to do and we need to develop/progress.
  3. That's one of the more open and heartfelt statements I think I've ever read from a football club/manager. Good stuff. Hope Accies stand by him and that he gets the help he needs.
  4. We don't really have much cash, but I would imagine Baird plus a sell-on fee would do the trick. Baird is signed on with us until 2021 and I'd imagine we'd be looking for a fee for him under normal circumstances.
  5. You do sterling work in this thread tbf, @RandomGuy. I think I'd prefer a draw at Dingwall. It's not so late in the season that we are only looking behind us, even on gameweeks where we're hugely unlikely to take anything.
  6. Will I ever get bored of fans of other teams jumping on the hook re this whole Broxburn away attendance thing? No.
  7. What were Glasgow Uni when we horsed them 15-0 in 1960? (Genuine question, btw).
  8. It can't have helped that we've been absolutely shite since we got promoted. It's hardly conducive to helping younger guys develop and reach their potential.
  9. So who's going out wide? I think Magennis is suited to going there more than any of the others.
  10. With or without the new player, something's got to give in the middle of the park. There isn't room for McPherson, Flynn, Foley and Magennis in there. Nice problem to have, but it's a tough call. I think you've still go to go with the experience of Flynn and Foley who are both undroppable when fit, IMHO, with Cammy dropping back to the bench and Magennis shuffling out wide. But it's tough to call. You can see why McGinn is basically surplus to requirements now, legend that he is.
  11. Sounds like rhyming slang to me. Surprised the P&B filter lets it through.
  12. It seems Lego are now doing models of stadiums... There's a belting St Mirren Park joke there somewhere but I'll leave it to others to work that one out.
  13. I'm happy to admit that, after watching Callum Ball in two games against atrocious part-time opposition, I was demanding he be signed and was convinced he was a 10-goal striker. Narrator's voice: "He wasn't."
  14. Dundalk fans/journos are having quite the salty meltdown on social media about McGrath signing for shitey old St Mirren. This points to one of two things: either they have a vastly over-inflated sense of where their league/team stands in the pecking order, or we've really signed a gem here*. * To be fair, both could be true.
  15. I'd slightly dispute that, tbh; although you're right that our players are unknown quantities, we've gone from one fit centre-half to having two, and we've added a new attacking midfielder which, if nothing else, adds depth to an area in which more options are always welcome. Any transfers that prevent us playing midfielders at CH and RB has to be seen as progress/strengthening.
  16. We've honestly hardly seen him. He's undeniably skilful but clearly lacking something that JG is looking for in a player. He was signed at a point in the summer when we had about 11 first team players so was possibly a bit of a panic buy. He really should show up well at your level, but he's a complete unknown quantity in all honesty.
  17. He looks brilliant on Instagram. Goes to cool European destinations, attends snazzy-looking Parisian gyms, scores sublime-looking goals in training, has a famous father. We've barely seen a sniff of him in the first team, though. He honestly looks like he should be a good player, but he's got some competition ahead of him in the 'one of the three playing behind the striker' position and it seems Jim just doesn't fancy him for some reason. He's only on a single year deal and we've just signed another player in his position so I can't imagine he's going to feature again for us. The theory is that we signed him at a point when the fans (and probably the club) were getting a bit twitchy in the summer re lack of signings, and he's not quite cut it. I can't even say if he'd be any good for you: I don't think he lacks ability, it's more likely to be temperament and workrate, IMO.
  18. Maybe the new guy can push out wide left if and when either Broadfoot or MacKenzie come back to partner McCarthy. This would make Waters a more-than-decent back-up rather than a slightly bombscare-ish first choice. Edit: just heard the McCarthy interview; he said Jim Goodwin picked him up from the airport in person. He is some fucking man.
  19. I'd bite yer hand off to see Hodson back, tbh. His attitude and performances at the back end of the season really impressed me. Don't blame him for taking a (presumably) bigger offer down south.
  20. Perhaps it's a case of two birds, one stone, in that we've solved two issues in one go there. Play him at CH with the option of moving him left as and when required.
  21. He's still got 18 months so, with all due respect to our Greenockian friends, I'd quite like to see him going somewhere that could at least offer us a nominal fee for him. Top end of the championship, perhaps. Somewhere like Dundee, maybe.
  22. I was thinking I'd made a balls up. I even double checked on the squad list and everything. Loan signing, by any chance?!
  23. Obika, Morias, Broadfoot, Durmus and McAllister are all on longer deals too, IIRC. Without getting into a debate about the merits of each of those players, it's really refreshing to see a longer-term view being taken. The annual (or twice-annual) squad churn was expensive, unsustainable, shit for the fans and detrimental to performance. Something I've just realised, which is absolutely mad after the past few seasons: we only have one player on loan from another club at the moment. One. Feels weird.
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