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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Yeah, I've seen that mentioned a couple of times. He never played a game for us! While we'd love to keep Liam Smith, it looks like we'd spend most of the summer waiting to hear if Hearts are keeping him or not. Plus, either way, he's under contract there. Can't see them letting someone so promising going for nothing. Jack likes to get business done quickly, so the family connections make McGinn seem like a no-brainer, TBH.
  2. Well, of course. Winning the Championship isn't as glorious as getting promoted by default, or going into administration. We can only aspire to be as great a club as Dundee.
  3. It's like the opposite of doing a team a favour by humping them and getting their shit manager sacked.
  4. I guess it probably would look a bit diddy for the likes of Hearts, Hibs or Sevco to do it. Then again, we've seen how much Hearts love a bus, so...
  5. Despicable post, IMO. Mocking mental illness in this way. There's no place for that on this board.
  6. S'ok, didn't take it as one. Not sure re the costs - it's the start of the financial year so you'd like to think the council could scrape some cash together for it - along with various partners chipping in (the radio people, for example). There was a lot of 'key messaging' about how great it was for Paisley on a lot of the official twitter feeds, too (not club ones) so I do suspect they'll have helped out. There might even have been some spare 2021 bid cash lying around
  7. It was a good read, interesting, but there was something very 'Football Manager' about it. Not sure I've heard of it either, but it seemed to go pretty well. I've only seen the videos, but the #scenes during the pre-game march, and some of the bus route, and then the ceremony, made it worthwhile. What I did like is how many really young kids you can see taking part in the march. Showed you can have a buzzing, lairy atmosphere but still be totally safe and family friendly. Credit to the organisers and the police for that. Those kids won't forget that day any time soon.
  8. Next season I'm just going to come back and bump this thread occasionally.
  9. Not entirely true: I think we can all agree Harkins has been a bit of a revelation for you this season.
  10. Just out of interest, how did you feel about Tam O'Ware's cutthroat gesture to the St Mirren support? Surely Morgan, Inverclyde's sportsman of the year, was just greeting his adoring townsfolk...
  11. Congrats on 2nd place guys. Very well deserved; massive achievement, imo. Good luck in the playoffs. Will be watching with interest, TV coverage pending.
  12. So he's said something to a fellow Rangers fan as a wind-up, and was so pleased with his little line that's he's repeated it to a journo, who's turned it into a story? FFS. The c**t was clearly watching the game as a Sevco fan, but shifted his position when they got horsed. I've no time for Chick Young at all.
  13. Were people asking what had happened to Gammy? I think I've found him.
  14. Sorry, short-term memory loss! I'm with you now. I took solace for a couple of days; other Buddies told me not to get too down about the whole situation and convinced me to carry on posting. Obviously if Branch Ton turns on me again I don't know if I'll be able to cope. Edit: spoke too soon. I wonder if it would help him if I pointed out I haven't lived in Coventry since 2007.
  15. ??? Until GTF day, yes. And I might pop back in occasionally next season, too. I won't lie: running rings round VirginTon for three seasons has done wonders for my posts/green dot ratio. I'll miss that.
  16. The word 'replace' is doing a lot of hard work in that sentence.
  17. I doubt it and, TBH, I'd hope not. We need to be self-sufficient. If anything the sales of players (plus hopefully some John McGinn cash) could inflate our spending power slightly, but I'd much prefer to see us living and competing within our means.
  18. I was looking for a gif to sum up Morton's season, and I think this one does it nicely. The dancing part is when you beat us 4-1.
  19. No way I'm coming back from that, tbf. Might as well delete my account. Jesus wept.
  20. Bizzare. Used to be ok until shull ruined it with his pish. He's not the only culprit, but he's in the top three, certainly. I Keep dipping back occasionally, but even now, in the aftermath of a title win, people are bitching and moaning. I can't be doing with it.
  21. Alright guys? Mind when you finished a single point above us and some of your fans described it as 'glorious'? Fucking good times, eh?
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