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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Greive has tended to play wide for NZ when selected, but I take your wider points. As Div said, I think we'd all like to see a firm plan b, but you are correct in saying Robinson seems more flexible that Goodwin ever was. And yes, especially in Henderson, we have cut adrift the best wide pure attacking player in the squad.
  2. I did wonder if Robinson has his eye on a bit more flexibility in the forward areas. Maybe looking at a 3-4-3 as an option later on in some games. Grieve can play that wider role, and Offord could. Tbf, Ayunga probably could as well. The 3-5-2 we've been going with will clearly remain our starting formation, but I'd like to see us try Ayunga or Main + one other instead of being the default partnership.
  3. When we were toiling in a poorly set-up 3-5-2 under Goodwin, Fraser at RCB was one of few bright spots. We are so unlikely to go to a back four that we can almost disregard FB from the equation.
  4. On the plus side, nobody can sing "You're no' famous any more" to Aberdeen now, because everyone has been talking about the Darvel game.
  5. To be fair, he's on a famously massive* wage with us, and his confidence is currently low. Plus if he's on loan he can't score against us. If he turns his form round, maybe we keep him. If he doesn't, he's six months closer to the end of his contract and easier for us to pay him off. Or maybe he scores enough goals to keep you up and you take him off our hands for a nominal fee. No matter which way you cut it, this seems like a decent move for all parties. * According to Callum Davidson and various St Johnstone fans.
  6. Dons are fifth in the league and won't win a cup. This is par for Aberdeen and I'm honestly not sure what else they are expecting.
  7. You could argue he managed that to a degree with Dean Lyness. Pure journeyman, stayed with us for an extended spell and was happy to support from the bench. Proved to be an able deputy when required. There's definitely a talent there (Langfield) in keeping a reserve keeper who isn't an absolute haddy content for a relatively long period.
  8. Didn't see game yesterday but agree with this. Main and Ayunga broadly fulfil the same role. I feel there might be games when you can still justify going with both, but I think we need to consider them as being in competition for the same spot, alongside Greive, Brophy or Offord.
  9. Pretty much full strength, that. Interesting to see Erhahon on the bench.
  10. Doesn't matter: lower league is lower league*. All the same, tbh. * Not my words, Lynn. The words of the Scottish Professional Football League.
  11. Worried about our creativity in this game. We've struggled for tap-ins ever since Charlie Adam retired.
  12. Hey, if it starts the chain of events that leads to getting Brophy off the wage bill, then I'm all for it. For the record, I think he sits somewhere between success and failure. Certainly hasn't been a total flop, but just hasn't done anywhere near what any of us hoped. And Robinson has proven himself enough to me that I'm happy to trust his judgement here. Edit: if Brophy is only going to be making occasional sub appearances, then I think we'd all prefer to see Offord in that position in the squad.
  13. Most baffling transfer since that time we convinced a team to cough up actual money for Cammy McPherson even though he was already at that team on loan and out of contract at the end of the season. I forget who that was, tbh.
  14. I want Aberdeen to go down for two reasons: 1) it'd be hilarious if Jim Goodwin went down and 2) it'd be hilarious if Aberdeen went down.
  15. Thing is, we're actually playing well. Goals are an issue, but there was one goal between us and Hearts over 180 minutes. I genuinely don't fear anyone at home. I remain unworried, and I'm normally a knickerwetter of the highest order. We'll be fine.
  16. Despite Celtic's best efforts last night we have held onto the title as the only domestic team to beat them this season. So there's always that.
  17. You guys reminiscing about Friday... The good old days when teams would come to Tynecastle and actually give you a game.
  18. I'm not overly concerned about our lack of clinical...ness just yet. We're creating the chances, at least. We've had a dry spell but I'm confident we'll get back on form.
  19. Honestly, this version of St Mirren makes me smile more often then not. Which isn't something I've always been able to say.
  20. I'd say it's more 'occasional barbs' than 'constant bitching', and I'd say that given some of the skullduggery that has gone on over the past 12 months, it's within the bounds of being reasonable. Without speaking for every Saints fan, which we know would be impossible anyway, I dare say that the vast majority hold nothing but admiration for much the work Gilmour did for our club. But there are nuances, and things change. My honest position as of today is that, for better or worse, he's on the SMISA board now and I hope his experience is proving to be of benefit to St Mirren. By the same token, will I turn down the opportunity to make a quick jab on social/a forum? No, because that's my personality and nobody has the time to caveat everything they write with 'we know he saved the club twice etc etc..' Edit: didn't see your post. Precisely. I think there's room within the middle ground to take the piss a bit.
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