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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. The advantage of the development loan being he gets to train with us still, so definite advantages even if he's too good for that level. That said, I reckon he could get a championship level club no bother. Would like to see him kept close by. Partick or even the Ton.
  2. Safe to say he and Greive aren't on the same wavelength yet, mind, which isn't surprising. Main won, and headed down, an absolutely glorious ball for Greive at one point in the first half, but Greive hadn't anticipated it. Main gave him mild pelters for it. Shows the importance of letting these guys get game time together.
  3. Fraser not getting booked for the clearest, most calculated, deliberate handball you'll ever was mad, too. Ref totally out his depth today - and it was a fairly non-challenging game to referee, too.
  4. I didn't realise he'd said that (about Cammy) tbf. That's laughable.
  5. I'm not going to pretend like we played you off the park today or anything: it was a mediocre game between two mediocre teams. We had a bit more application and seemed to want it more. But the lack of fight from you guys today was astonishing. I had a bit of a wobble when you had a couple set pieces in stoppage time, but it was largely comfortable. Last season, you were absolute fuckers to play against. Our games were all pretty tight but you had spirit and big game mentality. I still think that when the dust settles, the records will show that Davidson had his best players sold and not replaced, and I think there'll be sympathy for him (from outside your fanbase) on that basis. But finishing the season with that little fight about you has to be worrying with the playoffs looming.
  6. Play Kiltie at number 10, win football matches. It really is a simple game sometimes.
  7. Ref's commitment to awarding goal kicks to the home side regardless of how blatantly they've blootered it out of play is impressive, in a way.
  8. Fair play bud. The long gap between games hasn't helped my rollercoaster of emotions about our state. The fact we keep on recruiting top flight players for next season is making me feel positive. Our atrocious record in Perth is doing the opposite. Hoping I can find a stream for the game, but expecting it to be completely attritional.
  9. People keep (rightly) complaining about Goodwin's long winless runs, but it has to be pointed out that, this season, we never lost two consecutive games under Goodwin. Not winning in 11 was murderous to watch, yes, but we still picked up a draw every other game. Robinson has already steered us to 3- and 5-game losing streaks, which is up there with our Covid-hit early 20-21 form, or Kearney's efforts with a dogshit squad. If we end up going down this season, we absolutely utterly deserve it.
  10. Think you have to consider whether a) the players would benefit from it and b) whether the club would miss out by not doing it. I guess the downside is if players are 'locked in' to the b-team for the season. If it can be used as a proxy reserve league to help give players game time who might otherwise have missed out, then I can see the positives.
  11. It's good on one level to see that our league position isn't preventing us from preparing for next season. I do wish I felt as confident/safe as the club apparently does, but they deserve credit for not sitting on their hands while we repeatedly fail to secure safety.
  12. Just had to delete a post because I made near enough the same joke without reading all of the thread. Something that a lot of folk overlook is that our decent form coincided with Kiltie being played at number 10. Ronan was operating in a wider/roaming role. Kiltie was a revelation and it looked like his time had come. He was dangerous and creative. As far as I know, Kiltie has yet to be played in that position since Robinson came in. He's been wide, benched or unavailable.
  13. He'd do a job in the Championship so probably fair to say loser keeps him. I've just cleaned out my Bet365 account (£12.68) on the home win. We will play the wrong formation, and the wrong players in that wrong formation, and then Robinson will wonder why it's gone wrong. St Johnstone have a 4-4-4 record in their last 12, which is survival form. They are at least showing some fight. I know this is going to sound like every other 'naw, we're the shittest!' post that this thread, and most our recent threads, have been/will be filled with, but we have become very, very poor. Whereas we were, until recently, at least hard to beat, we have lost that fight and that fundamental organisation. 2-0 St Johnstone and the pressure will really be on.
  14. I wasn't calling you a muppet, nor was I disagreeing with you: I was just taking the piss out the fact you felt using a huge font would make your post more impactful.
  15. "Guys, I know we usually pay no attention to the muppets on the forums, but they've started using a really big font..."
  16. Plus, he can only motivate players he has signed himself, so we're looking at 22 out, 22 in this summer. Plus Curtis Main who is staying put.
  17. My theory is that the 'first season return', for a club of Killie's size, probably doesn't feel that special. You've not been down long enough to have your spirit truly crushed, in order that a title tilt feels a bit special. On our previous two spells in the Championship we'd actually managed to flirt with relegation to the seaside league. By the time title challenges came round, they felt good. TL;Dr - you simply didn't manage to become shit enough to enjoy the Championship.
  18. See, on the contrary, I watched him being interviewed by Gary Neville a few months back and he definitely said he had unfinished business as a manager. This was prior to almost getting the Mackems job, so maybe something happened then that changed his mind. I like him a lot, he's pure box office, but if he's what Hibs need I'd be amazed.
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