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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. I think that may come down to the mentality of the other three bottom sixers. Based on the way we're playing, we could end up on the right side of a 3-1 and get ourselves almost over the line. But it's far more likely that better organised, more motivated teams will continue to find it very easy to score against us. If everyone we play feels they have something to play for still then we could really struggle. Will be interesting to see when we play each other, for example. If it's soon after the split, I think you'll turn us over.
  2. He's had quite the fucking impact in games against you this season.
  3. Fair play to Mugabi there, he was at least trying to do something. Dunne and Tanser would have given it a minute to see how it panned out.
  4. WTAF ? A total nonsense of a post ! Yeah, Dick Campbell would be better.
  5. Depends if April turns out to be the cruellest month after all.
  6. See, people saying we should be patient... When we have a manager that comes in and 'gets it', we are patient. Rival fans couldn't understand why we weren't getting angrier at Jack Ross or Oran Kearney, who both inherited significantly worse squads in much worse positions that Robinson has done, but we could see an improvement in attitude and application from the players. In both cases they were given time, despite the popular narrative from the media that they were under pressure. They said the right things, their interviews were good, and while it took a while for results to come, and in both cases went right down the the wire, the fans' patience paid off. This is the total opposite. There is no sign that attitude has improved, and Robinson has been talking an absolute tonne of shite since his very early interviews. He's not been wrong about everything - some of our squad aren't good enough - but I'm very concerned based on the early signs. It's hard to quantify a 'feeling', but this is why folk are comparing him to Stubbs. It's just a vibe. I really, really hope I'm wrong.
  7. Yeah, I've gone from desperately wanting Arbroath to win that league to being quite pleased Killie aren't going to be in the playoffs.
  8. I'd been one of the guys saying 'let's give Lyness a go'. Yeah, let's not.
  9. It's madness. I'm very, very far from convinced.
  10. Yep, I think he's very transparently getting his excuses in. The thing is, several things can be true at the same time: We were frequently shite before he arrived; Finishing comfortably safe should have been a simple task; He's failed to get a tune out of a squad that absolutely should be good enough for at least survival; We frequently went on equally shambolic runs under Goodwin; Robinson's team selection has sometimes been woeful but he's frequently picked our best available team in their best positions and we've still been shite; We always had a solidity about us under Goodwin and that has completely disappeared; Players seem to be hugely underperforming now: we are less than the sum of our parts... I could go on. It's clearly not a black and white situation, but on balance I think Robinson has fucked this. Assuming we crawl over the line and stay up, of course he gets the summer, but pressure will be in very, very quickly next season if we don't start well.
  11. Nice to see the Ton fans making an appearance on here: you'd think they'd be busy preparing to celebrate the upcoming 100th anniversary of them last winning a meaningful trophy, yet here they are. Lovely to know they never stop thinking about us.
  12. We are hilariously shite. Not blaming Robinson completely, but we are so fucking timid now. I just can't see what our game plan is. Basically, when he took over, top six was a tap-in, despite how shite we had been for long spells this season. Our squad is flawed but it was good enough to stagger over the line. If he conspires to take us to 11th place - which absolutely looks on at the moment - then we need to get rid in the summer and think again because I'm seeing nothing positive at the moment.
  13. Absolutely no chance that was a foul on the Well keeper for the second goal no matter what their commentators say. Hell of a game, though. Well deserve to be ahead, though Brophy should have buried the chance that hit the post. At least we're being entertained.
  14. This is what I've gone for: Basically a score draw with Power and Dunne to get booked, with insurance when Motherwell's inevitable late winner goes in:
  15. Urgh. There's a grim inevitability about this. I've seen this movie too many times.
  16. Basic maths (32 teams, 23 players per squad) says that's ~$284k per player. I've always liked New Zealand...
  17. I thought Urminsky was... Somewhere else. I forget where. Certainly didn't realise he was at Kelty.
  18. At least Nazon was scoring for somebody whilst on loan with us, amirite? Actually I quite liked the big mad b*****d. I still haven't recovered from Beaton's overall performance, including the red card, in that playoff.
  19. Highlights of the NZ game here: Alex Greive very active/involved. No real need to add a footnote about the standard of opposition (FIFA rank 153, population of ~270k people), but he looks really sharp. I very much hope he's given game time for us as I think he has a lot to offer.
  20. Yeah, if he wasn't on contract I'd have a bad feeling about that. There's still time, I guess.
  21. Red Rum etulosba netfo si nerriM tS gnihctaW.
  22. Which is ironic because it's the managers under pressure who are least likely to use the young players, and thus the cycle continues. TBH, as we limp into 'season over' territory, it'd be nice to give some of the younger guys a game, but they're all on loan in the seaside leagues.
  23. Didn't realise he was there. Totally forgot about that guy. Felt like there was a player in there somewhere. Did he not get sent off quite early in his spell with us?
  24. I know very little about O'Hara. Not even sure what position he plays. one of the middle three in a 4-3-3*, by any chance? * I did realise the one huge downside of that system, if it really is what Robinson prefers and is gearing up towards playing: it doesn't suit Kiltie at all. The boy needs to play number 10 or not at all, tbh.
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