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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. I think that’s the boys point to be fair. He’s saying they’d be mad to pay compensation for Murray who hasn’t done a huge amount to make himself stand out from the countless out-of-work managers they could get without paying compo.
  2. That is my thinking too- it seems the job has already been turned down by Callum Davidson and you have to ask why. They didn't run away with the Championship or blow anyone out of the water so they will need a significant amount of rebuilding to stay up. Whether Murray decided to take the job if offered it probably depends on a combination of the budget he's told he'll be given and the amount of confidence he has in himself.
  3. Agreed, I don't think he's the best manager in the world but there's the feeling that we could be starting to build something good here and Murray seems to be a good fit. Having to quickly appoint someone new when we've presumably had no indication that we may be in the market for a manager (and therefor not really have any serious list of potential replacements) is a worry at this stage and would definitely set us back for next season, even if we do somehow manage to find someone as good as Murray.
  4. Not just you. And white with two hoops should absolutely not be our home kit. And while we’re at it I’m not a fan of half and half either. I think our current home kit is the best we’ve had in years, possibly the best since the Diadora spray paint top. I really don’t like the pink and didn’t like the most recent flouro yellow either but I think it’s because we were so shite while wearing both of them. Personally I prefer a white away top but I’m firmly in the camp of ‘grown men should not wear football tops unless they are playing football’ so I’m not the target audience. Make whatever sells for the away top- if that’s pink or yellow again then so be it.
  5. Do you seriously think it’ll alienate anyone? You really think anyone will choose not to spend a single penny with Raith Rovers because of a bit of potty humour on Twitter? I get it’s not the type of humour that everyone likes but the level of outrage from a couple of fans is really not proportionate.
  6. I think we can all agree it’s complete shite- it lists our co-captains Ross Matthews and Scott Brown as being on £17k a year each. They’d get more stacking shelves in Asda so anyone who believes a grown adult would play professional football for such a pittance needs their head looked at.
  7. It’s something that should be seriously considered. I was in the north stand for the 4-4 Hamilton game a couple of years back and it’s a better place to watch football from. The stadium looks better from that end as you’re looking at the main stand and not an empty section. You get a little bit of warmth from the sun. But most importantly for me, the overflow into the Railway stand could be used for home fans. There are probably lots of logistical reasons I’m not thinking about which make it a non-starter but I’d like to switch. When I started going some time in the mid-eighties home fans were in the North end so there’s precedent.
  8. Really excited by this. Not sure what level of investment the guys are putting in but I would far rather have these guys coming in with zero investment but all of these ideas and expertise to try and make us a sustainable club with a solid foundation than, for example, a lottery winner coming in and handing over £2m. We’ve had a lot of false dawns at this club but it feels like this could be the start of something very exciting and that the club should be in a better place in the medium term than it is now.
  9. That’s exactly my point. That’s why we managed to finish 5th even though we were in relegation form in the second half of the season. This season hasn’t been a backwards step compared to that horrendous second half of last season, but looking at the seasons as a whole doesn’t tell that story. I liked McGlynn. I didn’t want him to leave, mostly because I knew he was capable of having us playing great football and doing well, and because I was fearful of who we’d bring in. But taking a step back I can see his failings in overspending, the lack of a plan B, and potentially not managing injuries correctly. I’m glad we’ve now got Murray- he’s not the next Alex Ferguson but I’m happy with how he’s done this season and more than happy to give him a chance to build more of his own team with a full window to recruit.
  10. While what you’re saying is obviously factually correct, I think it warrants a bit more scrutiny. If you split each season into halves, we had a fantastic first half to last season. But then McGlynn took us a huge step backwards in the second half of the season. Compared to the absolute shit-show that was the second half of last season there’s no way that Murray has taken us backwards. With what is by all accounts a vastly reduced budget, Murray has steadied the ship and got us back to being bang average which is better than we were at the start of 2022.
  11. Good to see Rovers hero Brian Potter on the Accies bench.
  12. Two really good interviews from Raith TV with the manager and the captain. Scott Brown especially came across really well, seems like exactly the type of guy you want as club captain. In the last few years it’s felt like we just have a good bunch of likeable characters who you really want to do well- that good feeling waned a bit at the start of last year but I feel like we’re back to the point where each and every player is the type you want to have representing our wee local team. Proud to be a Rover right now, let’s hope we’re even more proud tomorrow.
  13. You are forgiven- but there’s no place for negativity (even tongue-in-cheek) on cup final weekend!
  14. Get this negativity to f*ck. Even if they beat us in the head-to-head they’ll be 7 points behind. Do you really think they’ll manage 8 points more from their 6 remaining matches than we’ll manage from our 7 remaining? They've not even managed to average a point per game this season and you’re worried about them averaging nearly 1.5points per game MORE than us until the end of the season? It’s such a ridiculous statement that I can’t quite believe I’m replying to it but I’ve typed it now so may as well post it….
  15. Last picture clearly taken during the Loneliness and the Scream- that big fucking symbol is on the stage for Billy to smash The last ever song performed by Frightened Rabbit.
  16. 5 years ago today since the TMOF live gig at the O2. I think that was the last ever Frightened Rabbit gig?
  17. This sort of shit boils my piss. Us wee team supporters do not have a 'big team'. We're quite happy watching shite football without getting involved with any of that horrible bigoted shite and we despise both arse cheeks equally thank you.
  18. Some top quality research from bet365 there! They’ve named 8 Raith players. 3 of them are no longer Raith players (one of whom never even played a single minute). One is out on loan and two are injured. Of the two who could possibly play, one is an 18yr old who has not played a single minute for us. I don’t think I’ll be putting any money on any of those thanks.
  19. Hopefully all the shite about us worrying about relegation can be put to bed now. 12points away from 9th with 12 games to go. We are definitely safe from the relegation playoffs.
  20. It’s barely been above freezing for the last 3 or 4 days. 3hrs of 5degC isn’t going to thaw the pitch out. Take that chicken out of the freezer and put it in the fridge for 3hrs and see if it’s defrosted.
  21. Is it normal to annnounce extensions to contracts which run out at the end of the season before the January window is closed? I wouldn’t have thought so. I’m certainly not getting my knickers in a twist that we’ve not announced any re-signings yet, I’m sure Murray will have a good idea of who he wants to keep and there will have been at least initial talks taking place.
  22. It doesn’t work like that though. We need to develop them because they are significantly weaker than what we have in our first choice eleven. So by definition giving them game time makes us weaker. Maybe if we could get to the stage in games where we were two or three goals to the good we could think about bringing these guys on to give them experience but we don't so we’d be sacrificing results today to maybe improve our options tomorrow- but with the risk that sacrificing todays performances means we play in league one tomorrow. It’s not possible. Which is why the preferred option is to send the guys out on loan to gain experience.
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