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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. You're just jealous because you're old, ugly and have to run to the toilet 20 times a night.
  2. I have about ten ex burds on my FB. They all hunted me down as well. None of them have been too much of a problem so far either, mostly they are just being nosey I think. I'm quite pleased to report that none of them turned out fat bloaters either. I can pick a quality filly.
  3. My mate was heavily into cycling for a while. He used to come round and visit me at work on his way home for a run down to Stranraer and back I'm from Ayr BTW. He would do that two or three times a week just to keep in practice for his weekend club races.
  4. I got my machine form a friend who joined a gym. He was a carpet fitter to trade and has had to give it up as he has had both knee joints replaced in the past year. He was told to exercise using the cross trainer as it wouldn't impact his knees but would give him the same type of exercise as running would. So I wouldn't be too worried about using it if you want to do load bearing exercise. If you are too worried about it then just cycle but the crosstrainer will be fine. I use it all the time because I am sore enough on my knees playing squash and I think running would do me no good at all.
  5. I have had some sort of post viral malaise in the past couple of weeks so I haven't been doing much. Beginning to get energy levels abck now though so I will leave it this week and start training again next week all being well. Still had to play squash matches through the virus and aftermath which was actually fine, but I just have no mojo at the moment.
  6. I remember having games against Morton in the Premier League. You won't, because it was before you were born. Morton, incredibly shite your entire life.
  7. Nettles in your lawn? Cutting it regularly before it gets knee height should deal with those. Anything with glyphosphate in it will do away with nettles at the root, but if there is a field full of them near you you will have to keep on dealing with them all the time I think. We have horsetail in one part of the garden and it's a total bugger to get rid of. I think I have managed it though. If you get horsetail put on a rubber glove and spray the weedkiller onto your hand and then gently crush the plant but not enough to destroy it, then the weedkiller gets down to the root system and kills it. I quite like nettles though, I make nettle soup and nettle tea. I keep a few dandelions around because I like the leaves in salads and the tortoise likes to eat them as well.
  8. Some lawn feed stuff has weedkiller built in that will see off clover and dandelions and daisies and stuff like that without harming the grass.
  9. My garden is fucked. It was my daughters birthday on Sunday and there were herds of midgets dressed in pink wrecking the plants. I did paint the summer house thing on Friday and the rest of the garden is covered in logs that I split and stacked. I finished building a huge woodshed but its full and I still have enough elft over to fill another. I overdid the ordering of wood for the stove. The grass needs cut and I cant be arsed.
  10. My son is 7 and he is absolutely LOVING this series so far. And he pretty much grasps what is going on too. He has watched the first episode daily since last weekend and knows it backwards now and he will do the same with episode 2. There are LOADS of kids massively in to Dr Who and they do "get it" and will continue to grow with the show. It is high quality sci fi and Matt Smith is absolutely brilliant. I thought he was great last series and he is proving even better this time.
  11. It actually burns fat as well, so it's good if you are trying to shred.
  12. Just one dumbell? Maybe try looking up kettlebell exercises and doing some of those moves with it?
  13. Yes it's four minutes of warming up/working up a bit of a sweat. The 8 sets consisting of 20 seconds of sprinting or whatever it is you choose to do followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat 8 times warm down for a few minutes and then find a bucket to hurl up into. It's seriously tough, but the results can be huge. I do it three times a week after pissing around with weights and the difference in recovery times when I play squash are quite noticeable. Try it.
  14. I've got a cross trainer at home because I play squash and it really does hit the knees hard. So the crosstrainer is fantastic for doing cardio without hammering your joints. I have a friend that has had two knee replacements (carpet fitter) and he is able to use the crosstrainer post op to keep himself fit. I can do tabata on the crosstrainer as well and I never have to leave the house for any of it. Which is great when it's pissing with rain outside
  15. Walked up Ben Vorlich at Loch Earn last weekend. A path the whole way up and fairly easy but with nice views. No hidden summits either so you could see the top pretty much from the start of the walk which is quite good. We were going to go across and do the other munro ,Stuc a something or other, but decided the pub had more appeal. That was the first outing for a while and we intend on getting through some more this year.
  16. Missed your reply mate. Cheers. Supposed to be going somewhere next weekend and we might go there. Map and compass job then!
  17. Is it a good walk? I keep meaning to go there as it's close enough to make it a half day job. I like that part of Scotland a lot, it tends to get overlooked by people.
  18. My workout this week has been splitting three tons of elm logs I got. I do weights and stuff anyway but smashing up wood with an 8lb maul is pretty good. Mym shoulders are sore. My back is sore and my stomach muscles are sticking out now. Maybe it's a hernia though.
  19. going to football that has a 12 o'clock kick off on a Saturday. And its live on TV? Lets kill any prospect of a crowd at all why not. f**k off Scottish football.
  20. That IS nightmare. Me and my mates were getting into pubs aged 16 because we joined the youth hostel association and they gave you a membership card with a birthdate and a photo on it. We lied about our ages of course but it passed off as acceptable id back in the day.
  21. Yep, I have a lot of paintings for that purpose as well. If I had more money I'd be stacking them up in a secure warehouse somewhere. But I'm married with children and I'm skint.
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