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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Not sure how the team will perform whilst wearing snow shoes; the lighter members; Pittman; Robinson etc. should be okay but the heavier defenders will struggle. JET is changing his name to SnowPlough.
  2. I'd be astounded if it was on. Four inches already and more to come.
  3. I've been wondering that; McMillan may not be spectacular but he's steady and reliable. I would have thought he's deserved a shot particularly with ATS already on the field.
  4. Congratulation to St Johnstone. We got what we deserved so no complaints; it had to happen eventually so better then than on cup final day
  5. On the subject of not being unlucky; we have hit the woodwork a number of times however the worst point is that we've been playing twice a week since almost the new year. This has resulted in a higher than usual number of injuries particularly hitting our defence and forward line. Midfield is pretty much full strength though so who knows.
  6. When I went to School we were still looking at ways of increasing the size of the Empire (and I don't mean the Hairdressers on John Street). Still that was in Wales so, leastways, I have an admiration of all things ruminant in common with our Aberdeen friends.
  7. Careful now; you're in danger of sounding like Kennedy of Celtic fame. Everything else aside I was under the impression that every team had a light meal prior to an evening game? One of the rags made it sound like the players were boozing it up and tucking into five course banquet? Under the guidelines, the team wont have been able to sit all together as that could have been deemed a "party" which is why they were broken up into smaller tables separated by tow or three tables apart (as seems to be the case from the photograph). The "disgusted" Aberdeen woman obvious assumed this was some form of private party?
  8. Saint's will still have their eye on a top six spot although the success of that will probably rely on St Mirren losing their games in hand and some. However we start to take our foot off the gas here; the saints should be well fired up for this one
  9. The biggest concern has been the goal scoring celebrations which still seem to breach the no-contact guidance. Mind you that's not a scenario that's worried Aberdeen for some time.
  10. There's still next year - I might be allowed out of the house by then......
  11. Depressing to think that, despite our good run, we're still significantly nearer the bottom than the top.
  12. I don't think it was even a Hibs young team; just a bunch of kids that they thought they could pick on. Long gone now thankfully although I suspect some may turn up for old-firm games.
  13. There were a small band of wanna be's that followed us for a short while, mostly kids but seemed to have one who was significantly older. Think a couple got a lifetime ban for making racist comments aimed at one of our player (Darren Cole?) and the rest seemed to disappear in a huff. I was at one of the Queens Park games, with my youngest, that season (2016?) when Ross Millan continually tore Jackson Longridge a new one - a bad day for us but I don't recall any trouble so I hope this was a one off - irrespective it was unacceptable.
  14. Surely you're not saying Celtic will finish fifth? Anyway a lot of football still to be played - but a nil-nil draw would make it more interesting.
  15. Am getting a trifle worried about the number of injuries we're picking up in our central defence. So far we have the following players out. Guthrie Lithgow Fitzwater Brown (returned to Cardiff) This kind of leaves us at the bare bones defensively although the schedule does ease to one game a week after Saturday week
  16. If it was at Aberdeen I can understand your pain. Their pies were nothing but a vicious assault on the digestive system.
  17. Mouthy jumped up amateurs? Pretty poor attempt Bob; with a little more care I'm sure you could have worked "Diddy" in there
  18. Probably mixing him and Erskine up TBH. Its an age thing.
  19. Good enough squad player; does the job but nothing spectacular. That's the last of our Partick contingent gone then.
  20. Both Holt and Bartley have been picking up a relatively high number of yellow cards. Both Sibbald and Lawson can play there but are less impressive. That being said Ambrose has also played for us as a defensive midfielder hasn't he?
  21. Crawford was odd as it seemed we released him so that he could sign for Motherwell. Why did they not sign him as a traditional transfer unless theres some rule about the minimum length of contract; or were avoiding agent's fees perhaps?
  22. Rather concerned about hurricane Montague - maybe we should delay until June?
  23. Starting to wonder if Jack will ever become a Livi regular. On the top goalscorer thing I've noticed some sites just list total goals from the league and two cup whereas others include challenge cup games (or whatever its called now).
  24. David Luongo Christ - yes - your right? About the time of Flynn/Massone take-over wasn't it? I wondered if the guy ever really existed or whether it was another example of creative paperwork.
  25. What was the name of that French striker we signed at the same time as Tony Andreu? The boy who appeared on paper but never once played in the team?
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