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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. But who do you drop from the current winning formation to make that happen?
  2. Fair enough - looks like the management were after a direct replacement for Steve Lawless and, with Tiffoney settling in to a more central role, that only left Robinson and maybe Lawson who could cover that (although Devlin hasn't been too shabby of late).
  3. Josh Mullin was a (sometimes) very good winger in the championship; I've not seen anything to suggest he could hold down a regular place (or even on the bench) in the Premiership. Paul McMillan hasn't really done anything in the Premiership although he never really got the chance with Celtic and this season is only about a third in so who knows.
  4. All I can say is the United players must be might glad that supporters aren't allowed into the ground. I can see getting away with performing like that in front of a live crowd. I generally try to say something positive about the opposition but I'm sorry guys; I'm really struggling. I suppose the goal keeper did okay really.
  5. One thing I haven't heard recently was "half the crowd thought that was in"
  6. Isn't Shankland's preferred position more on the right? That would put him into direct conflict with Serano - a tasty encounter and I'm not hamming it up.
  7. The only machine I'm aware of that can do this in the Western hemisphere is the Samba II which would meet the suggested price tag. It depends on how experienced the operator is but results can be back reasonably quickly but the single use modules were about £50 I think. Still that would be about a third of the price of external testing.
  8. I'll stand corrected but if that's the machine in the entrance lobby I thought it tested people for temperature; fever etc. It doesn't replace the need or requirement for regular testing. It may be the club have a dispensation to reduce the regularity of testing if everyone is also being scanned for any signs of fever etc. In case anyone's suffering from insomnia the rules are: No mention there of any "shortcut" as the implication that all tests must be verified by a certified laboratory. https://spfl.co.uk/admin/filemanager/images/shares/pdfs/SPFL Rules and Regulations 24-Aug-20 (MASTER COPY) CLEAN.pdf
  9. Joking aside that's probably not too far off what he was on with Hibs. Of course along with the players going out on loan; we've also released Menga and Cece plus sold Odaffin to Hamilton. It all helps I suppose.
  10. I believe its also costing clubs a minimum of £5k per week to test the entire squad for Covid-19 - if that continues for another 40 weeks; that's another £200k clubs will need to find.
  11. Playing staff bill is in excess of £1 million; effectively our biggest single expense but obviously the other costs are not inconsiderable.. If last season had been completed we'd have got almost £800k from four home games against the old firm alone; the PPV revenue would have recouped a small percentage of that but with the likelihood of at least two of these appearing on Sky this season; that revenue's also gone. The windfall of getting money for Dykes must have eased the risk of severe financial hardship this year considerably but there is still the serious prospect of the league again being brought to a standstill and if that happens clubs will definitely go out of business.
  12. I don't disagree that we've got a squad with decent quality; I'd even go as far to say that pretty much all of those players could walk into another mid table premiership team but the that was probably also true of last year's Hearts team. I like Tiffoney but to my knowledge he's only ever played as an attacking winger or right side forward (the position he was most successful at during THAT game against Motherwell a couple of seasons back). Expecting him to play the role of Central Striker cannot be success as he doesn't possess the height or strength to go up against the saints central defence; his best bet is using his speed and agility when feeding off someone else. Happy to eat my words at 4:45 though
  13. Not sure what's decent about it; playing another game with our strikers sitting on the bench and a suspect keeper in goal? Hopefully St Johnstone dont have their shooting boots on and we can settle down to a nil - nil draw.
  14. how about adding half the "names" Maximo signed that helped push us towards our first administration... namely: Theo Whitmore Guy Ipoua Carlos Garcia (okay; not strictly a signing as he never got international clearance) A mention in any such "waster" list must also go to Cherif Toure Maman who offered so much but deliver so little.
  15. The phrase "dodged a bullet" comes to mind. Least-ways the chance of Livi being the next side to break Covid-19 restrictions reduces markedly.
  16. I'm raging - who'd have possibly thought that playing a third of a game without a recognised striker on the field wouldn't be a success???? Well done diddy alliance bros - looks like its going to be a challenging season/
  17. Not a great game of football by any means but I'd take issue with others that have described Ross County as a dirty team; yes; they could be physical but most of the fouls seemed to be concentrating on breaking up play and trying to stop us playing, if the positions had been reversed I'd expect our boys to do the same, but there wasn't really one bad foul in the entire game. Two things though; the way Ross County almost relinquished control of the midfield; allowing us to pass the ball around, almost at will, for significant periods of the game and how toothless they were up front. This isn't a Ross County I'm used to seeing; particularly one with Stewart in the line-up. All this aside I thought County defended well and troubled us in converting possession into real chances (where have I heard that one before)? for most of the time it was difficult to recognise Donaldson as the young lad who played for us (and managed to get himself sent off for heading the ball in the penalty area - against QoS?) and then he would put in a now fairly rare clumsy tackle and it all comes flooding back. Seems to have grown up a lot on his travels. Finally though - cant the County fans club together and collect enough money to pay for the other half of Kettlewell's haircut?
  18. Get three mates and huddle into the same living room. Spend the rest on beer and pizza - SORTED
  19. Not quite sure how you leapt to that conclusion. Hamilton never was an impact sub; he generally needed to be on from the start to see the best of him. Other than the Sevco game he's not started for us for quite some time and I hope your assumption that he's not going to score goals isnt therefore based on a sole performance as a loan forward against the second most expensive side in the country? Kouider-Aissa has just made the step up from part time football. \Its going to take a bit of time until he's built his fitness to a level to compete with full-time professional. However he also seems like a player that struggles with the role of loan striker. From what I've seen he's more a goal poacher so will need others around him otherwise he's too easily isolated. Tiffoney had an excellent game against Motherwell over a year ago but has rarely had the opportunity to shine since. All in all he seems to have been limited to a handful of fifteen minute appearances. For me that's not enough to make an informed assessment as to whether he's going to score goals or not given a decent run. Poplatnik - your assessment is based on a 45 minute appearance against Hibs, where he won a penalty, and maybe 15 minutes against Sevco? Don't you think you're being a little unreasonable there? He's another one who had been struggling with fitness and adjusting to playing in a new country and yet he's being assessed on how he will be performing for an entire season based on a total of 60 minutes against the top two (in the league) sides in the country? Robinson and Souda are attacking midfield/wingers so I wouldn't be expecting barrel loads of goals from them. Putting all your eggs in one proverbial basket by pinning your hopes on the two new guys coming in isn't going to please you much either. Stokes hasnt played football for some time now, certainly not since last January but we can hope he's managed to keep up some form of physical fitness else its going to be some time before he's going to be performing at any sort of acceptable level. Remember this is a guy who was sacked by one club for repeatedly not turning up for training so the hope that he has been disciplined enough to keep his fitness up whilst not playing is worrying. For Lars Lokotsch; this is a player I know very little about but the more I find out the more hopefully I get. He could be a potential real diamond in the rough. My main worry here is whether he has an impressive burst of speed AKA Dykes or Hardie to really put the fear of god into defenders? Certainly physically he should be a match for most. If any of the above sort out their fitness etc. so that they can form a proper partnership; it could be an interesting season. Remember in previous years we would have usually gone through all this within the Betfred games; giving us the change to sort ouselves out and find what works and what doesn't. This season we havent had that luxury but I still remain quite confident.
  20. I'd actually argue that they've got one of the best managers in the League
  21. I have a strange feeling that relegation this year might not be based on performance alone. The prospect for points deduction etc. this year with the pandemic and financial stresses placed on clubs covering twice weekly testing; hugely inflated travelling costs etc. and the uncertainty of whether the season is going to be allowed to proceed or whether there will be an element of start-stop all gang together to make this one of the riskiest years I can remember. Sorry but my mood is like the weather at the moment.
  22. SPLITTER! Or maybe that football crowds with the new social distancing policy?
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