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Stag Nation

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Everything posted by Stag Nation

  1. So, not only do you want to re-structure the SPFL - which famously never listens to fans - you want to set up an "Atlantic League", which would need several leagues or FAs to get together and agree. Good luck with that one.
  2. I was 16 in 1966, and can well remember people saying that, and of course they were right! So we were all shouting for West Germany**. However, I now live in England, where the press have become much more realistic in recent years. The sense of entitlement has largely gone. ** = Note for English readers: it wasn’t even the whole of Germany.
  3. I don’t usually praise the Wet Farts, but full marks for the long-sleeved option. There’s nothing looks worse than players in short sleeves with grandad vests underneath. Particularly when the club can well afford to do it properly.
  4. Yep. But in the HL there were three teams in contention for the title on the last day. That's pretty competitive, at the only end of the table that matters at the moment.
  5. What are the "massive competitiveness issues that plague both leagues"?
  6. The Board can't, but the member clubs can vote to change the constitution
  7. It's relevant if it affects the running of the league, which apparently it does. They obviously can't directly intervene in the cup, but there are things they could do, ranging from a polite letter to the SJFFC to a decision no longer to prioritise the cup.
  8. Orange, apparently. "When Scotland travelled to Berne in 1957 for a World Cup Qualifier against Switzerland, the team had to borrow a set of orange shorts so that viewers watching the game live on the rather primitive TVs of the time could tell the teams apart." http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/international/scotland/scotland-1946-1960.html
  9. Yes, the previous line level with the River Tay was abolished. AFAIK there is NO agreed boundary between the SOS and WOS. Indeed, the only boundary I'm aware of is between the EOS and WOS. There may also be one between the North and Midland Juniors.
  10. The problem with summer football is that we'd be out of step with the rest of Europe, including the UK Scottish clubs would have difficulty competing in EUFA competitions, and it would be harder to attract the likes of Messi or M'Bappe to play here. Whether any of that would make a practical difference to the quality of Scottish football is open to question.
  11. The "Pyramid" has no rules: every entity has its own. The SPFL could expel a club under its rules, but it has no jurisdiction over what would happen to them thereafter. As for the Rangers comparison, are memories really so short? They weren't "kicked out" - they simply ceased to exist. In spite of all the later efforts to re-write history, the club of the same name admitted to Tier 4 were an entirely new entity.
  12. I like the 14 club idea. Another refinement is to have one additional round of fixtures, giving 40 games, and balancing home and away games. These 40th games could be on a seeded basis 1st v 2nd as above, or local derbies (also guaranteeing 4 OF games), or simply drawn randomly.
  13. Good idea, but how do you identify them?
  14. I'm no fan of Darvel, but is it not possible he's been sacked for something totally unconnected to football?
  15. You can imagine all you like: they can't. Every "club" in the SPFL is actually a limited company. The law is very clear: the directors MUST run that company for the benefit of its shareholders, not that of the supporters, football as a whole, or anyone else.
  16. Was there anything to prevent a dozen or so ambitious West Junior clubs getting together and forming such a pyramid league?
  17. The LL clubs must have known the timetable. Was anything stopping tcki off the season a week earlier?
  18. It must be nice to know your directors' priorities ...
  19. The other half of the country seem to have even more reason to be fearful:. the four south clubs relegated to the LL so far have just finished 9th, 10th, 13th and 14th.
  20. The responsibility for this farce is with Buckie and/or the SPFL and/or the SFA. What have the HL done wrong?
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