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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Cos I'm hard as f**k. PS I guessed that.
  2. Ah you've got to laugh at the hypocrisy.
  3. You're just Gideon and David's special little soldier aren't you? Bless.
  4. Whereas you were completely balanced and fair after the Salmond/ Darling debate weren't you?
  5. ICM : Yes 45% (+2) No 55% (-2) Very, very doable.
  6. I love you too you fucking arsehole x x
  7. Another one to file under "I" for irony.
  8. I see Blair McDougall is retweeting things from a year ago #gettingdesperate
  9. So why did you ask? It's getting rather tight though isn't it?
  10. Funny that innit? It's almost as if he unquestioningly accepts polls that favour No, but wants to scrutinise ones where Yes are doing well.
  11. Um... Panelbase? ETA: That's an attempt at humour, btw.
  12. The confidence has flagged on occasion, as it probably has with any Yes voter, but I've never felt we can't do this. The closer we get, the more I think we can do this, however. We need to go all out from here on in, winning over DK's and soft No's. We can bastartin well do this!! ETA: Few too many "we can do this" comments in there, but f**k it in the eye - we can do this!
  13. I'm fine. You, on the other hand, by still banging on about it, are clearly raging at having being pulled up for being a fanny. Never mind.
  14. Again you're confusing your experience with wider reality. You're obsessed with Salmond. Not everyone is.
  15. For the main part, even though it's really pretty to look at, it's a very linear game. There isn't anywhere near the level of exploration in an open world like Fallout or Skyrim, but that doesn't detract from it in any way. It's no less a game than Fallout or Skyrim (my two favourite games, btw) for that, but open world it's not. It's still a fucking incredible piece of work.
  16. I'm fine, mate. Perfectly calm. I just enjoy calling out smartarses on here.
  17. "Taking on" as in "taking on" you. On here. It's not that difficult a concept. You used the tired line about how "hilarious" it would be at the levels of seethe on the losing side on September 19th. I called you out on your infantile banter. You then used a series of P&B cliches to make yourself look less of a fanny. It didn't work. However, not to worry, I expect you'll reply with more witty insights as to how utterly furious I am and that I should really calm down. If you think this is confrontational or aggressive, I'd advise you to never get involved in conversation with anyone ever. Now, I'm going to go and lie down and try to bring my blood pressure down while you think up a suitably cliched response.
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