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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. I'm hyperventilating and everything. You've totally got me on the ropes. Why did I ever think I could take on someone as witty as you?
  2. Yeah I'm seething. Positively shaking with rage. Perhaps you may want to mention rattled and verge of tears as well?
  3. This is Mr Bairn-level chat and utterly, pathetically immature, whatever the outcome.
  4. No, what you meant was "baaaaaaaaa"....
  5. Better than a life of picture framing, tbf.
  6. I would thank you for your opinion and inform you nothing is beyond me. I am omnipotent, omnipresent and pretty fucking excellent. ETA: In before anyone tries an omnipotent/ impotent gag.
  7. How you can be passionate about the union is beyond me. In similar vein, I too will never vote for Labour again in their current guise.
  8. Indeed. It's going to be most humorous seeing the snivelling wreck you'll become.
  9. They're not failing miserably. But you're a vaccuous clusterfuck who votes on how his fellow supporters vote, so I'm not overly surprised at your slender grip on reality.
  10. I said "were the positions reversed". It seems your comprehension skills aren't as polished as your gift of soothsaying. Of course it's a relatively sane prediction. Kilmarnock are comfortably a better and more succesful overall team than St Mirren and have been for quite some time. Your mob finishing above mine on goal difference last year was a blip.
  11. Living in the past eh? Typical Unionist? And did I not accept my humiliation with good grace and humour? That's the difference between a Yes voter and a No voter. You'd have probably ripped your St Mirren wallpaper to shreds and kicked your buddies lampshade around the bedroom were the positions reversed. We WILL finish above you this season though.
  12. Perhaps your crystal ball will also tell you when the Maureens will pick up a point?
  13. "Silence is golden" would be preferable.
  14. While you're singing, could you change the record?
  15. There's a house just before the Dutch House Roundabout on the A77 coming down from Glasgow to Ayr that has recently erected a massive No Thanks sign on the grass verge next to the bypass. It must be about 10' x 6' at least. Nice to see them spending their clear affluence wisely.
  16. Yes supporters are classy. We're just better human beings.
  17. Yes I have. I have a healthy level of self awareness, thanks. I'm aware of my own shortcomings and am perfectly OK with the fact that some people on here find my approach, or me in generally, well, "cunty". However, No voters have acted with absolutely zero decorum or dignity this past couple of weeks. And yes, I daresay Yes supporters would gloat a little if we showed a healthy lead in the polls, but having seen who represents Yes and No on here, I have no doubt in saying that No voters, as their voting intentions show, are shallow, selfish, pompous arseholes. Hope that clarifies things a little.
  18. I honestly didn't think. as a group, I could have any less respect for No voters. But they have truly acted without an iota of class these past couple of weeks.
  19. It makes not a jot of difference who gets in in Westminster. Just a different coloured tie.
  20. Perhaps your crystal ball can give me next week's lottery numbers?
  21. Yes it is. I realise it's hard to swallow, but it's true.
  22. And thereby endorsing austerity, foodbanks, poverty, inequality, trident and a rich poor divide.
  23. And by saying you don't want the different set up you are actively saying you seek continual Westminster ruling. That it's your preference.
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