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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. A very good post. However, don your hard hat and wait for HB or Mr Bairn to scream for evidence of don't knows being inclined towards Yes. I'd agree with you, but they're c***s.
  2. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    I haven't scene it yet, so shut it.
  3. Now I feel awful. Everyone, hug Scottsdad.
  4. Welcome the wonderful world of HB and his merry band of lapdogs.
  5. I hear you brother. I would ride every one of you to get to Cersei. Every. One.
  6. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    I'm not even halfway through it.. On a scale between 1 and 48, how jel are you?
  7. Now that you've sufficiently answered HB's query, don't expect a response. He'll go quiet now.
  8. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    I feel I'm kind of at the point where it's starting to get really good. I'm 3 episodes into series 3 and it's only now starting to get "gripping". Those Mexican twin hitmen are scary, although the old lad with the bell does my nut in. Love Saul, and looking forward to "Better Call Saul" when it starts...
  9. So because his answer doesn't suit your right wing agenda, he's a liar? Lawlz.
  10. Well he did say "where he lives.." Seems straightforward enough to me.
  11. Oh, go on, play the personal insult game, ya big lug.. Well, I didn't call "her" a c**t, but, imo, it's perfectly feasible to call a figment of someone's fervent imagination a c**t.
  12. Can people please use spoilers until at least it's been shown over here? Thanks.
  13. No voters are arseholes and imbeciles. You, HB and Mr Bairn are all No voters. Quite hard to argue against that. The "teenage girl" was a fictional creation made up by a troll. Next?
  14. ^^^ this squared. Your average No voter, through selfish or fearful reasons, is generally an arsehole I've found.
  15. Your obsession that the world wants to bomb us. Your disregard for people on benefits. Your constant trolling. For example.
  16. Keep spouting pish and you'll keep being dug up on it, son.
  17. Well this is all very pleasing. The closest poll yet, bookies slashing their odds and Mr Bairn shiting his wee union pants. Wonderful.
  18. http://www.sci-news.com/physics/science-z4430-cern-exotic-hadrons-01843.html
  19. And BetFred, 28/13 and 5/2 across a whole range of bookies as well. Pleasing.
  20. You know HB's struggling when he starts shrieking for evidence. Sair yin.
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