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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Obviously worst case scenario stuff, but an enjoyable watch nonetheless: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ZBrPPnyXc58
  2. At 600 miles it would rip human tissue apart. Placed between Earth and the Moon it would lift metal objects in your pocket and wipe every credit card on Earth. So no, you wouldn't want to get too close. ETA: Young magnetars are thought to have magnetic fields a quadrillion times stronger than Earth's.
  3. I fucking love neutron stars, pulsars and magnetars. The fastest spinning pulsar spins 716 times a second. That's faster than a kitchen blender. And magnetars have magnetic fields up to 20 trillion times stronger than Earth's.
  4. Genuine question, HB, although I suspect you won't answer as it's not in the "HB agenda". Are there any of Salmond's policies or anything he's ever said that you agree with?
  5. A fun universe fact is in order, I feel. The crust of a neutron star, which is about a mile thick, is 10 billion times stronger than steel.
  6. I wasn't quite finished. She has a small fanny... for a son.
  7. I said as much to your Mother last night.
  8. Which is why Ad Lib's "dream" is so fucking preposterously laughable.
  9. Mildly interesting Theon Greyjoy/ Reek fact: The actor who plays him, Alfie Allen is Lily Allen's little brother. You might remember her song "Alfie" about him. Lily and Alfie were also (when they were smaller obvs) the inspiration for Harry Enfield and Kathy Burke's baby Lulu and her toddler brother. You're all very welcome.
  10. Well, whyever not. Let's continue being the world's police, sticking our noses in where they're not wanted, to massive expense and international hatred. What fun.
  11. I don't think it's spoilering anything to say that the Shae bit played out slightly differently in the books to the TV show. In the TV show, Tyrion (for her own good and to save her) told her to f**k off and that he was married to Sansa. Whereas in the books there was no animosity, which meant that, for me anyway, Shae's appearance at the trial in the books was much more of a betrayal, whereas in the TV show it could be argued that she's just getting revenge.
  12. Hell yes. I have my picnic basket ready. Horlicks, pro plus, kestrel lager and some rezerection mix tapes.
  13. Balls you do. I've seen you splicing your mainbrace of a Saturday evening. And then there were those Croatian twin sisters whose timbers you shivered..... Anyway, shite chat aside, any big boating trips planned for the summer SJ?
  14. Stan James offering 7/4 on a Yes vote. That's the shortest odds I've seen yet.
  15. Agreed. Ramsay is a p***k. His story with Reek is starting to grind my gears. It seems like there are so many different stories going on, that Reek and Ramsay are wasting my viewing/ reading time.
  16. And so, bizarrely, are you. I wonder if there's ever been another case in the history of mankind where one individual displayed blatant, continual bias FOR the side they plan to vote AGAINST. It's like a turkey telling all his mates what a decent guy Bernard Matthews is (was).
  17. Can you show me said disagreement please?
  18. O really? Who was the prominent unionist poster you disagreed with and what was the disagreement about? You actually disagreed with HB also? Holy shitfuck. Link please.
  19. Yes it's funny that isn't it. You'd think he'd rebuff the odd scare story, or disagree with the occasional unionist poster. But nope.
  20. I actually quite like Emilia Clarke, don't see what's so bad about her. The Iron Islanders are woeful though. Krakens my arse.
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