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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. You're a very confused man. Realistically, the kinds of things that are trendy with "young voters" are big bang theory t shirts and World of Warcraft.
  2. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Well, I finished Season 3 last night and watched the first episode of Season 4... Tomas Gus in the lab when Victor caught Jesse Hank taking a shit in bed Scenes squared.
  3. Bob Carolgees sprinkles crushed ecstasy tablets over his All Bran each morning.
  4. Anyone seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jvHK6blDJaQ :lol:
  5. :lol: Well played sir! "Notes of hay, ashtrays and semen..."
  6. When the Rolling Stones initially formed, they were known as c**t McFuckit and the Shitbreaths.
  7. Garden strimmers are widely thought to be so named as they are "string trimmers". This is untrue. They were in fact invented by Dundonian Brian Strimmer in 1978, hence the name.
  8. Mainly I'd guess because the Ironborn are all fucking idiots.
  9. Yes you can. I have a mortgage and a full time job and a famliy with two young kids. I'm voting Yes.
  10. I have a mortgage. I'm voting Yes. Try again.
  11. That has to be about the 14th time you've used that in the past fortnight. Try to vary the bants a little.
  12. Popular 80's pop combo Spandau Ballet are banned from 73 countries for their views on slavery.
  13. Aer Lingus was originally called Cunni Lingus until the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) told them to stop being "so fucking immature".
  14. Either that or your friends, like you, are utter, utter buffoons.
  15. I take it you've all seen this? https://twitter.com/AberdeenFC/status/468741505721827329/photo/1
  16. Last of The Summer Wine was originally titled "Three Old c***s From Yorkshire Cutting About the Countryside", but the BBC wanted something snappier and less sweary.
  17. Cauliflower cheese, if left to ferment for 4 - 6 months, has strong hallucinogenic qualities when ingested.
  18. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    About 2/3 of the way through Season 3 now. A SHIT ton of stuff has happened over the last few episodes. Beatings, shootings, hospitalisations, a fly!! Fucking loving it.
  19. Bit like Jaime Lannister, then.
  20. That must be the biggest pair of shorts ever made. Lena Headey is a wee cracker.
  21. Bastian Schweinsteiger was asked to become ambassador for the People's Postcode Lottery. He refused.
  22. 17 different actors have played Bungle from Rainbow, including Neighbours' Stefan Dennis, Gordon Kaye, who played Rene in Allo Allo and, for a period of 6 months, Warwick Davis standing on the shoulders of Peter Dinklage.
  23. Don't say anything good about Wings Over Scotland. The Glasgow Uni Law Squad will be all over you. After their mums have made their dinner.
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