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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Just watched the last two episodes back to back and thoroughly enjoyed them. I'm about 2/3 of the way through book 5 and thoroughly looking forward to seeing how that pans out in the show, although there's a lot of fat they'll need to trim. ETA: Cheers Spain & Boghead Ranter
  2. I suspect you are partially correct. I suspect many, if not most No voters are voting on how it will affect them personally. Yes voters not so much. I genuinely believe this to be the case.
  3. My Yes vote has precisely zero to do with personal gain or loss. Whatever way the country votes it will have little or no effect on my personal circumstances. Most Yes voters, especially on here, I suspect are the same.
  4. I'll save H_B and Ad Lib a job. But.. but.. but... weighting... methods... scrutiny... not official. Does that about cover it?
  5. I would say, with some degree of confidence, that he's being impulsive and a tad impetuous.
  6. I was making statements of fact when I said that the management in my former place of employment were dicks. Have you never badmouthed a former employer?
  7. He's bad mouthing his former employer. We've all done it.
  8. Wow. H_B quotes FORMER Yes Scotland Director of Communications, who's less than complimentary about the Yes hierarchy! What next, fire? The wheel? He won't be the first or last to have a "tantrum" as the Herald called it, about his former employer. The management in my last place of work were dicks. Does this make me an "expert"?
  9. Rather ironic that, when you consider you stole the "kool aid krew" nonsense from the woeful Joozy.
  10. I like "Half_Baked". It's better than my "half_brick" effort.
  11. So you don't agree with Johann Lamont that nationalism is a "virus" then?
  12. Far be it from me, young Lexus. You've got a 20 point lead. Congratulations. You must be so proud.
  13. You lot really are obsessed with Salmond. Let it go. Live a little.
  14. Tell the truth and don't get bogged down in desperate mud slinging from Team No.
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