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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Don't be tempted to respond Enrico. A blanket rubbering is what's needed here.
  2. 1) You're a bit thick if you can't see the excessive demands are apeing those of H_B and Ad Lib. 2) Cuntydemus? Cringe. 3) Feel free to make light of ATOS' work whilst simultaneously turning a blind eye. Shows what a stand up guy you are.
  3. Examples please, of at least 5 different polls, exactly a month before the election, showing the SNP winning "comfortably". Either that or GTF. You decide.
  4. Great answer, I owe you a Charles. Tommy was fantastic on This Week. Pissing himself while Portillo peddled his bullshit was superb.
  5. Depends how many horses are involved.
  6. I think Westminster will go further. Voting No will give them a mandate to do what the f**k they want with Scotland, because no matter how bad things get, the jocks don't want to leave. And that, chums, sickens me.
  7. This. Although the Tories are abhorrent, you know what you're getting with them. Labour have abandoned their principles and abandoned many people who used to vote for them. I'll certainly never vote for the current Scottish Labour set up again.
  8. Since you have, of late, spent a good deal of your time on here bizarrely white knighting for H_B, I'd be careful throwing around claims of integrity. Surely even you can see what a bitter, bitter mess he's become?
  9. You know, there was a time when people believed you were a Yes voter.
  10. I think at the VERY LEAST, he needs to attend some sort of anger management therapy. I wonder where his need to be right, superiority complex and the addiction to ridiculing others comes from?
  11. Except you, of course. I remain supremeley confident of Scotland pulling it's head out it's arse and voting Yes on 18 September. I await the usual derisory mewlings from the keyboard warrior collective.
  12. As I alluded to earlier with my promise of ignoring the polls unless they said something beneficial about Yes - Yaaaas! Mon Scotland, we can do this!
  13. Weird. The one I got was from 5th July. Ah well, they're for indy and that's the main thing. Clever wee west end shites. ETA: I see one of the pupils is called "Kindred Willow". Magic.
  14. Results just in for my house: Yes - 100% (me and my wife) No- 0% DK - 0% So, when the DK's are taken away, it looks like this: Yes - 100% No - 0%
  15. Yeah but to you, the 4 main parties are birthday, house, street and graduation. See what I did there?
  16. Ah we're doing this are we? Good. The chat here is offal. Next?
  17. Please be VERY, VERY, EXTREMELY, AWFULLY specific as to how I was "looking down on farmfoods shoppers"? If it's good enough for Len Goodman, it's good enough for me.
  18. <<< Lives in Prestwick. Shops in Sainsbury's.
  19. The Yes voters on this thread actually bother to investigate the facts rather than just pop on their mum's laptop while she's out at Farmfoods.
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