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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Plenty of time for that. They haven't cast Euron, Victarion or the Manderly's yet. Could be that Arianne gets her own casting announcement..
  2. Could the Britnats have had any more of a shocker on this thread? RedRob with his usual chest thumping, thepundit with his baseless mewlings, Lex with, well Lex, and Mr Bairn. Oh dear god, Mr Bairn.
  3. I think you should have your vote stripped from you. HTH.
  4. They absolutely merit a "wid". But, to my mind anyway, the way they were written in the books, they transcended mere "wid" status and seemed almost "couldnae" or "wouldnae have a hope in hell wae".
  5. You'll forgive us all if we don't take prophecies of doom from someone who thinks you can have 45 runners in a 2 horse race.
  6. What's a posters forum? I probably did mock you, but I'm aiming it at No voters (and Ad Lib lulz) so it's allowed.
  7. Meh, the Dornish princesses were way hotter in my head.
  8. Tell me, how do pillar boxes look with those rose tinted specs on? Must be a proper bright red, no?
  9. Enjoy. The books are fucking excellent. Well, most of them.
  10. I don't know if it's getting older or lowering standards, but my highlight of the series was Jodie Kidd's wet look leggings.
  11. Craster was a top shagger an all, tbf.
  12. Well that's the books finished. Now I have to wait like ordinary humans. b*****d.
  13. You're obviously unfamiliar with common sense.
  14. That Targaryen strip is smart as f**k. Wouldn't mind seeing Danaerys in that.
  15. Clutch a few of these, pal. Either way, your irrelevance of a party will be cast out into the political ether.
  16. If it makes you feel a big special soldier, you go right ahead, flower.
  17. Really? That's your take on this? What's the issue? REALLY?
  18. Walder Frey is a c**t. He needs to "get got", to quote The Wire.
  19. So no response to the "evidence" of further cuts you requested from those cuddly old Labour types? Just going to brush over it, are we?
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