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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. I think he's referring to the Orange Order who ARE bigots and ARE voting No. Unless you know otherwise?
  2. ^^^ blatantly untrue. 5/19 Yes drifting, 5/19 No shortening.
  3. I used to work for the fuckers, I'm well aware of how they work.
  4. :lol: Ah well, if you have the option of spreading your 44k out over 160 years, why not!?
  5. You made a claim which was untrue. I corrected it. Care to point out the whataboutery?
  6. So your claim of "Firstly, English students only attend uni for three years" was lies then?
  7. Aye, OK Scrappy Doo. http://www.essex.ac.uk/coursefinder/course_details.aspx?course=BA++Q320 http://www.reading.ac.uk/study/ug-courseatoz.aspx http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/med/medicine.aspx And that's the tip of the iceberg.
  8. Yaldy. Cannot wait. Looking forward to Terminus getting it's arse handed to it.
  9. ^^^ confirmed Yes voter But.. but.. I'm challenging the unchallenged... but... but.. if I don't do it, who's going to keep the debate real... but... but.... Sycophant.
  10. AKA the biggest gathering of fannies in Westeros.
  11. Cheers. To be honest, I haven't paid much attention to the online side of it as yet. Is it access through the phone menu, which I think is accessed by pressing up on the directional buttons?
  12. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Excellent video. Mike is absolutely fantastic, can't wait to see him in BCS.
  13. For once I utterly agree with you. I cannot wait for the Lib Dems to get flung into political oblivion. They deserve everything they get.
  14. Here's a stupid question. I've only played a few hours of the game, completed a few main mission quests and generally walked about profiling and hacking people, then, out of nowhere, I get a message saying I'm being hacked online and to find who's hacking me. Is this the online component of the game just randomly cropping up as I walk about the city? Just so I'm not going daft and panicking over some AI hacking!!!
  15. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Baws. Ah well it's only a few months and we'll have The Walking Dead in October to tide us over.
  16. Perhaps he could be the ghost writer after his inevitable massive coronary. ETA: Whilst I'm here, does anyone else think the Ironborn are one shower of boring c***s?
  17. He won't admit it, because it's the truth. A thing H_B struggles with.
  18. Where do you get your "truth", H_B?
  19. Apologies for reading it too fast and flying off the handle. Let's face it, it's far from the first time I've made a fud of myself on P&B and probs won't be the last, tbf. ETA: Although you can get fucked with your "unrelenting pish" patter.
  20. If you honestly think I believe I'm controlling the national debate through P&B then it's you that needs to get a fucking grip. I have no illusions about what I contribute (or don't) on here and what difference it makes. It is, however a forum, and has no set limits on how little or how much anyone can say, regardless of how much it upsets you. I see you every now and then offering these types of musings. Makes me wonder who is actually scrambling for relevance.
  21. Utter cobblers. You are an abject fantasist who thinks his opinion is roughly 84% more important than it is.
  22. Do one then, you supercilious, white knighting, toadying little frigger.
  23. 50,000 posts. FIFTY. THOUSAND. f**k me.
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