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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Yeah, I'd rather pay attention to that than any of H_B's desperate mewlings, tbf. It seems he's addicted to making a weapon of himself on the internet.
  2. I'm surprised your sense of shame at betraying your country allows you to look forward to anything.
  3. http://uk.isidewith.com/poll/420350795-scottish-independence-poll/443458700-scotland
  4. Tbh, that's a factor in me not yet taking the plunge in purchasing chapter 2. I can't handle putting Clem in danger.
  5. And was he walking out the bookies looking confused and lost?
  6. Agreed. I couldn't believe how protective I became with Clem. I've never been so emotionally invested in a videogame character.
  7. They're not, but if you'd like to tell me how we can tackle food banks in Wiltshire, I'm all ears.
  8. Yeah try telling that to the Mum in this story. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/food-bank-is-expanding-as-hunger-bites-169073n.24604861 Whatever eases your conscience through a No vote.
  9. My Mum's English. She's a "don't know" but I'm working on her.
  10. And yet again H_B goes round and round in circles until we're completely bored. How thoroughly depressing for the man that he has so little to discuss in terms of why we're Better Together, that he has to bog down very last debate in semantics to divert attention.
  11. Take that back you bounder! Freddie Dindeleux is a beautiful, wonderful man.
  12. All this individual party posturing is meaningless. In an independent Scotland, you would hope that each party would develop a fresh approach best suited to a progressive, socially just country. I wish people would think beyond the SNP in this referendum. Ideally, in an iScotland, I'd like to see a Scottish Labour in power, akin to these lads: http://www.labourforindy.com/
  13. As someone who's recently jumped ship from X Box 360 to PS4, is this going to be a goodie then? I know next to nothing about PS3 games..
  14. You seem to be apeing Banterman here with the whole "economic policies" schtick. What luck then, that most people look at overall policies. When Labour return to their roots and pledge to do something about food banks, austerity, child poverty and the olympian gap between the rich and poor in this country, then I may consider a Labour vote. Oh, as long as Johann Lamont has been booted, that's another caveat I have. The only way we'll tackle these problems imo is in an independent Scotland.
  15. I'm kinda banking on us not being allowed to vote in the next GE, as all the Westminster MP's have been crying about, should we get independence.
  16. Where did I mention the SNP? Be VERY specific. I certainly would never vote for a party who promise to go further on austerity than the Tories.
  17. Let's face it, it won't be the first time I've posted incorrectly on here. Whilst I would never vote for the Tories and would rather bathe in sulphuric acid than put a tick in a Tory box, I completely agree about New Labour, who are an utter disgrace of a party. So, in short, I would never vote New Labour or Tory and neither should you.
  18. I agree on the last part. IDS, for example, should be tried in The Hague for human rights crimes.
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