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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Thankfully South Ayrshire is not representative of the rest of the country. Living in Prestwick I am only too aware of the "fur coat and no knickers" Tory pensioner brigade down here.
  2. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Well, that's it finished. Thank f**k Better Call Saul's on in November.
  3. Kudos to you for raising your head above the parapets. If only the same could be said for the other Britnat usual suspects who are generally on within seconds of an opinion poll.
  4. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    3 episodes back to back and now all me and the Mrs have left is the final episode, which we're saving for tonight. I'm pretty upset that it's almost over. Thanks for the memories Walt.
  5. Looks like the mud slinging from No Thanks hasn't worked. What a shame.
  6. I would have said mon the Smokies, but you have Ecto amongst your number!
  7. Update on the Killiefc.com poll: Yes 105 (62.13%) No 37 (21.89%) Completely Undecided 6 (3.55%) Unsure but leaning towards Yes 18 (10.65%) Unsure but leaning towards No 3 (1.78%)
  8. Quite. Look at her reasons for remaining in the Union.
  9. It's getting softer by the day. Must be the summer heat.
  10. I'm not keeping count. Thousands probably. How about you? Oh, that's right, you're too busy following me about the gaff.
  11. I'm really going to have to have a word with the relevant authorities if you continue to stalk me in this manner.
  12. How pleasing then that Red Ed and his party are about as effective as tits on a fish.
  13. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Another couple of episodes tanned last night. The confession - Ho-lee shiiiiiit! I happened to look over to my wife as the confession was being played out and she had her mouth hanging open in disbelief. Not many TV shows can do that to a person!
  14. Well that's all really rather pleasant. It shouldn't take too much to convince the electorate that the Tories will win the next GE.
  15. Wow. Your post started nice and calm but got more unravelled, more angry and more bonkers as it went on. Sterling work.
  16. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    I tend not to see what's coming next anyway, being a bit thick n that, but I'll take it on board and just enjoy the ride. It's the most complete series I've ever seen, I'd say. It fires on all cylinders, constantly, and doesn't let go. Every actor is fucking terrific, the lighting is amazing (yellow hues of the desert, character's clothing etc), the sound and music is spot on and as I've said before, it contains directed shots you don't even see in movies, whether it be point of view from inside a tank as liquid is poured in or a camera attached to Jesse's brush as he cleans equipment. It's just a stunning piece of work. And that's not even mentioning the outstanding story.
  17. He's going to ask for proof or some such shite. PLEASE don't be tempted to get involved again. He's been bitch slapped once.
  18. That was quite the humilation wasn't it. H_B got rag-dolled around like an empty tracksuit. Marvellous.
  19. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    I keep trying to think of where it can go from here, but knowing Vince Gilligan and what he's thrown our way so far, I'm probably nowhere fucking near. It feels close to the end, but I've still another 7 episodes to watch...
  20. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    I finished the first half of the final series last night and started episode 9. Scenes with Hank on the shiter!!!! This goin be goooood...
  21. Are you getting fresh, you young scallywag?
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