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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Ah, there you are. How are you getting on with providing proof that we'd be fawning over George Galloway if he supported independence?
  2. I believe, from memory, he called another poster a nasty name. I think the bin dweller, whatever his name was, was the recipient.
  3. There was a near riot last week when Montevideo's premier convenience store ran out of Urguguay's favourite mint/ fruit confectionery. He has to put a sign in the window saying "Nae Mentos".
  4. Looking down your nose at the working classes again, Libby? Stay classy.
  5. Several of these foil tins cobbled together make an ideal sledge for alpine shenanigans. Wahey Bentos.
  6. Couldn't agree more: http://wingsoverscotland.com/bending-truth-until-it-breaks/
  7. And 86% of Uruguayan farmers come from neighbouring Hay Bentos.
  8. Let me finish your sentence for you: .... as long as they're Yes supporters.
  9. On a similar note, Laurence Fishburne has never burnt a fish. He cooks a sublime seabass. His cottages pies are dreadful though.
  10. A No vote is a ringing endorsement for the status quo within the Union. Hate to break it to you.
  11. The combined temperature of every chiller cabinet Farmfoods and Iceland own is -7,389,493,399 celsius. Officially the coldest place in the universe.
  12. By voting No, you are voting to maintain the set up as it exists at present and confirming that you are indeed happy with how things currently are. I know this greatly upsets you, but that's the truth of it.
  13. There are amoeba on Saturn who contribute more to this thread than you, tbf.
  14. Cringeworthy performance by HB here.
  15. :lol: Another giant fail for the white feather!
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