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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Felching is to be included in the 2020 Olympic games.
  2. Wee update on the Killie poll: Yes 66 (60%) No 23 (20.91%) Completely Undecided 5 (4.55%) Unsure but leaning towards Yes 14 (12.73%) Unsure but leaning towards No 2 (1.82%)
  3. You're not even a good troll. You're like a diet Mr Bairn. Dreadful.
  4. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Don't get me wrong. The first couple of seasons, I loved Hank. Superb wisecracks, all round decent guy, etc, etc. However, he's currently a grumpy b*****d to Marie and even though I don't like Marie, he's quite the c**t where I am in my viewing of BB (Season 4 Episode 4).
  5. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Not sure if this have been seen already...
  6. I concede defeat. Proof positive there that every old boy in Scotland votes No.
  7. Evidence please that elderly Scottish gentlemen intend to vote No. And please, be VERY specific.
  8. The makers "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" were succesfully sued in 2011 by a consumer group who stated that not only could they quite easily believe it wasn't butter, but it did in fact taste like "shite margarine". The makers have been allowed to continue using the name, as "Shite Margarine" was ruled as potentially offensive to consumers. However, as part of the ruling, if you look at the bottom of the pack, in tiny writing, each packet says: "Notice - You may actually very well believe it's not butter".
  9. I'm sure supporters of Auchinleck Talbot and Cumnock would tell you to go and take a running f**k to yourself.
  10. I learned several days ago that your sole intention is to contend with Mr Bairn for Troll of the Subforum award 2014. Therefore, with that in mind, sit doon.
  11. If Kris Boyd doesn't re-sign, you can add your East Ayrshire chums to that alliance.
  12. Just remember, there's always someone worse off than you. Hibs fans.
  13. What's happened this week, I haven't heard?
  14. Killie fans, without a doubt, will vote Yes. Slight update: Yes 43 (65.15%) No 13 (19.7%) Completely Undecided 2 (3.03%) Unsure but leaning towards Yes 6 (9.09%) Unsure but leaning towards No 2 (3.03%) I'd probably say Ayr fans are more likely to lean towards No than Killie fans, since South Ayrshire is one of a very few Tory areas in Scotland.
  15. That would be too straightforward. New poll on Killiefc.com today, early doors so here's the early results: Poll: New Independence Poll (28/5/14) Yes 32 (69.57%) No 6 (13.04%) Completely Undecided 2 (4.35%) Unsure but leaning towards Yes 4 (8.7%) Unsure but leaning towards No 2 (4.35%)
  16. It's easy to forget the Lib Dems. Look how quickly the British electorate have.
  17. Sorry. English people and Johann Lamont.
  18. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    A mild mannered chemistry teacher who's dying of cancer starts cooking meth to leave money for his family. Seriously Wizzers, watch it.
  19. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    I'm wallowing in watching each episode with virgin(lips) eyes at the moment, with the creeping realisation that I've only got just under 2 seasons to go and I won't be able to unsee it, if that makes any sense. It's an absurdly braw programme and from what I've seen on here and from what mates have told me, it continues to get better from here on out. Hopefully the Mrs will be able to stay awake for episodes 3 and 4 of season 4 tonight. Yaldy! Oh aye.... Hank = p***k.
  20. But surely, as English people keep telling us: "Scots are a drain on the economy" "Scotland don't have that much oil left" "Scotland gets more than it gives" Surely it's best for the UK that we become independent? It's sure as shit better for Scotland. Everyone's a winner!
  21. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Look forward to it. I watched episode 2 of Season 4 last night, so getting there. I'm glad Badger and Skinny Pete are still in it, hope they're around for the duration.
  22. Splendid. Then i trust you'll be putting a big handsome cross in the Yes box come September?
  23. You seem defensive. I'm not implying that at all, I'm just astonished that a No voter is able to differentiate between a Yes vote and the SNP. Congratulations.
  24. Two reasons. You're a unionist SNP voter. My wife told me.
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