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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. You do realise official campaigning only started a week ago? And we are considerably richer than you.
  2. ^^^ seething at the unstoppable truth
  3. A thousand times this. A billion times this.
  4. It's nothing of the sort. More lies and abject failure from the forum's resident goon.
  5. Does H_B think he's amusing anyone other than himself with his little ego trips? I bet even Banterman is watching H_B's little attack on the RIC through his fingers. What a sad, friendless individual he really is. ETA: Of course, I forgot his little cheerleader. Silly me.
  6. Anyone find Missandei sneaking into their top 5 after last night's episode?
  7. Just watched the final scene for the 2nd time and I can exclusively reveal that it doesn't get any easier to watch on repeat viewing. Gads.
  8. There was actually added carnage in the book. As I remember, a stable boy's heid got in the way of the Mountain's sword halfway through. Also, Missandei. Yum.
  9. Now I see you are why you're the way you are, Reyners. I told you spending the winter in your potting shed was bad news: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/8326766/AAAS-Bears-take-three-weeks-to-wake-up-from-hibernation.html Bears take three weeks to wake up from hibernation No wonder bears have sore heads – it takes them almost a month to wake up. Scientists have discovered that it takes them three weeks to get back up to total speed after their hibernation. The reason why they take so long to recover is that they have learnt to reduce their metabolism by as much as three-quarters while they are asleep. This means they can conserve energy while they hibernate for up to six months and emerge from their dens in almost the same physical condition as when they went in. But it also means that it takes them almost three weeks for their bodies to get back up to full running speed and in the mean time they are grumpy and sluggish.
  10. I think it's more than safe to say of the Rangers support that the knuckledraggers and easily swayed will vote No, the progressive, forward thinkers will go Yes.
  11. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    The direction is incredible. Some really innovative shots you don't even see in films.
  12. Wee update on the Killie poll: Yes 81 (62.31%) No 25 (19.23%) Completely Undecided 5 (3.85%) Unsure but leaning towards Yes 16 (12.31%) Unsure but leaning towards No 3 (2.31%)
  13. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    As I've been told, that's about where it starts getting REALLY good. I started series five last night.
  14. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Well, me and the Mrs managed to dust Season 4 at the weekend. Scenes upon scenes upon scenes. I won't go into any plot, for the benefit of those who haven't seen it (and because I have no idea how to put stuff in spoilers), but holy shitballs!! Last episode was called "Face Off". Brilliant! Ding ding ding ding!
  15. The sky is blue because the Met Office and various other international weather institutions globally regularly send balloons into the air filled with blue dye that are designed to explode at 80,000 feet, thus painting the outer atmosphere.
  16. Confidemus

    Breaking Bad

    Take it that means they "get got"? Baws. Anyhoo, I'm on episode 7 of season 4 now. Jesse's cutting about with Mike, the carwash has just opened and things seem to be slowing a little, although I think this is starting to build up to something rather large....
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