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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. It was the latter, no doubt. SJC's very much the salty sea dog.
  2. Once, just once, Ad Lib, try to be concise. Please.
  3. I'll give you £5.3 billion if you can go one day without mentioning the SNP.
  4. So there we have it. Mrs Philpy has pleasant breasts. Dancer.
  5. That's all very well, but what we need to know is: What's Philpy's bird like?
  6. Sieving through your tears, snotters and shite, a couple of questions. Who are the progressive group? Was the question in the poll the same question that will be asked in the referendum? How long will you cry for when a Yes vote is returned?
  7. Another load of mewling, pathetic shite from Arbroath's most right wing resident.
  8. I'm sure there's plenty we agree on. I'll just need to work on getting you to agree with me on the rest.
  9. Correct, Political parties are by their very nature authoritarian to a degree. They create policies that define how we live our lives.
  10. Every day. For ten fucking years. Holy shitballs.
  11. Maybe it's a bit like when you mix red and blue you get purple or when you mix blue and yellow you get green. Perhaps if you mix Irish with an attempt at an English accent, you get the Rhondda valley.
  12. Clearly not. They're the good guys.
  13. You two are slowly coming round. We'll make Yes voters out of the two of you yet.
  14. Hiya Mr Bairn What's your thoughts on the latest oddschecker bookies odds in this thread?
  15. http://www.oddschecker.com/politics/british-politics/scottish-independence/referendum-outcome And still the bookies are shortening the odds on a Yes vote. Now 11 bookies are showing 2/1, several more are offering 9/4 and 28/13, with 32Red maintaining their 19/10 price.
  16. IIRC she doesn't visit him in his bedroom at all.
  17. Oddschecker showing TEN bookies have slashed the odds of a Yes vote to 2/1. And a first - 32Red are offering 19/10... First time it's went below 2/1. Pleasing. http://www.oddschecker.com/politics/british-politics/scottish-independence/referendum-outcome
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