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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Wordle 307 3/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834]
  2. I’ve been more impressed by Supernintendo than Polworth tbh.
  3. I think it’s worth trying McCann and O’Hara together. Their individual attributes make for an effective partnership, and have both chipped in with a few important goals in recent weeks and months. If Polworth isn’t playing, can we get a wee shot of Kyle Turner?
  4. I didn’t see the game, did Cole do anything other than score the free kick?
  5. Wordle 306 5/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834]
  6. Wordle 305 4/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834]
  7. That’s quite a record considering it’s felt like there’s been a Queens vs Ayr game every 2-3 weeks for the last two decades.
  8. I’d be interested to know who he’d have brought in during the summer. He’ll no doubt have some influential friends and contacts now, and Hibs would be an enticing club for any young player looking to build up their career.
  9. Wordle 304 X/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834]
  10. Wordle 303 4/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834]
  11. Wordle 302 3/6 [emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834]
  12. Wordle 301 3/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834]
  13. Queen Margaret only has the Elizabethan though. If you’re wanting a choice of pubs get off at Town.
  14. Wordle 299 3/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834]
  15. Whether or not the statistics back up his claim or not is immaterial. Teams of all ages and genders concede back-to-back goals every single week in football. To analyse the game through the lens of gender is mental and so regressive. Have men’s teams ever been analysed specifically by their gender? Do you ever hear managers saying “they’re men so they’re more likely to get violent, it’s just their nature” after getting a couple of players sent off? There’s probably a mountain of research to confirm men are more violent, but it wouldn’t make a statement like that acceptable. Shiels would have been well within his rights to say his team didn’t compose themselves or concentrate enough after conceding, and that’s something his team need to work on, but to pin his 11 players’ reactions on the behaviours of an entire gender is horrifically sexist and tone deaf.
  16. Genuinely can’t tell if that’s a big fucking whoosh.
  17. Fucking mental stuff from Kenny Shiels. You’d think a male manager of a women’s team would be determined to break down these stereotypes and strongly advocate for women’s rights and equality. Of all the ridiculous, outdated stereotypes about women and women’s football, he’s picked one of the most batshit mental ones of the lot. Fanny.
  18. #Flagle #51 X/6 https://www.flagle.io That’s the country I meant on my second go, when it wasn’t what I said I was completely stumped as I just plain forgot about this country.
  19. #Worldle #82 2/6 (100%) [emoji833][emoji654]️ [emoji322] https://worldle.teuteuf.fr Nice.
  20. #Yeardle #22 [emoji93][emoji93] [emoji667][emoji667][emoji667][emoji668][emoji668][emoji375][emoji93][emoji93] https://histordle.com/yeardle Mildly impressed that my initial guess was only 32 years out.
  21. Wordle 298 4/6 [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834]
  22. Lovely stuff. Cheers. I think we were aiming to have all nights booked for dinner but I’m happy to leave one night to have a wander and pick at random.
  23. Rome on Friday for 3 nights. Has anyone flown from Edinburgh recently, and what were the queues like? Is it recommended to arrive in more time than you normally would? She’s booked a couple of restaurants but we don’t have anything sorted for the Saturday, is it necessary to book restaurants or will you be able to get a table no bother? Any restaurant/bar suggestions welcome.
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